I hate to defend Nintendo, but they used their own Emulators in the NES and SNES Mini (Kachikachi and Canoe respectively). I would be surprised if they just yoinked one from the internet here.
I'm guessing they just take the correct prefix (the first 3 letters of the correct month) and append "tember", no matter the month.
it was almost guaranteed we would get a sequel but it’s still nice to have an official confirmation now!
I'm just relieved to see マッドハウス (madhouse) on there. I was mildly worried they'd give it the OPM treatment.
Don't wanna be pedantic (yes I do) but after a little bit of searching, the originally presented quote seems correct (without the "and" though, it seems). Your version is mixed with a common misquote "Slowly at first, then all at once." of that quote.
Also not it :(
Still a no :(
Sadly not, but the aesthetics are at least close to what I remember.
I wish. It's definitely a lot more niche than Valheim. It could be more of a Valheim/Terraria/etc like than a "real" MMO though.
Tangentially reminds me of Richard Feynman's Cataclysm Sentence.
If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence was passed on to the next generation of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words?
Even without discard value. Just the threat of throwing a surplus land to turn it into a 4/4 at instant speed lategame can strongly influence a game.
Sure. You have to solve it from inside out:
- not()....See comment below for this one, I was tricked ~~is a base function that negates what's inside (turning True to False and vice versa) giving it no parameter returns "True" (because no parameter counts as False)~~
- str(x) turns x into a string, in this case it turns the boolean True into the text string 'True'
- min(x) returns the minimal element of an iterable. In this case the character 'T' because capital letters come before non-capital letters, otherwise it would return 'e' (I'm not entirely sure if it uses unicode, ascii or something else to compare characters, but usually capitals have a lower value than non-capitals and otherwise in alphabetical order ascending)
- ord(x) returns the unicode number of x, in this case turning 'T' into the integer 84
- range(x) creates an iterable from 0 to x (non-inclusive), in this case you can think of it as the list [0, 1, 2, ....82, 83] (it's technically an object of type range but details...)
- sum(x) sums up all elements of a list, summing all numbers between 0 and 84 (non-inclusive) is 3486
- chr(x) is the inverse of ord(x) and returns the character at position x, which, you guessed it, is 'ඞ' at position 3486.
The huge coincidental part is that ඞ lies at a position that can be reached by a cumulative sum of integers between 0 and a given integer. From there on it's only a question of finding a way to feed that integer into chr(sum(range(x)))
From what I remember and what a quick search on the internet confirmed, B didn't actually deny her anything. He actually went out of his way to do as much good for her as he could. He claims to have replied "Language." because he knew other people at NASA with more say on her job would find her, which would get her into trouble (and they did find her even before his first Tweet).