Wasn't the Aral sea intentionally drained?
What would the leftist approach be?
Our ability to ship things north-south in North America is super powerful economically, so I don't think not being Team USA is a tremendous option, however I hope this grants a whole new enthusiasm to the process of diversifying Canadian exports to make Canada an independently strong partner, so we're harder to push around. That would be nice
Thank God for the second half of this meme, I would have been very confused otherwise
Marked as duplicate
Honestly stunning that you'd equate discrimination against trans people with the numerous atrocities committed against American indigenous people.
Either you don't know what happened to the indigenous peoples of the Americas, or you're a fucking idiot. Possibly both. This is well beyond hyperbole.
Was not talking about separatist angst in Quebec, so much as the disregard for the letter of the law in the territories. Generally, if you're not hurting anyone, no one cares what you're doing, and are a little pissy about other people sticking their nose in your business.
Visit the North. Very clear attitude towards rules.
Defend the motter land
Autos do have clutch packs, however
Those are some banger quotes