Oh for sure. I count my blessings. I don’t think I could even handle being frontline medical in good times.
Honestly, this was the most stressful part of Covid for me. I know I was fortunate to be able to work from home for most of it, but having my boss or some other group I was a part of going “iT’s oVeR! TiMe To gEt BaCk tO nOrMaL!” every week or two for two years was a fucking roller coaster I did not need to be on.
I don’t use my laptop much anymore (don’t have a desktop either): Some modeling, accounting, spreadsheets, or doc composition; things that are cumbersome to do well on a tablet. General browsing and videos are on my phone, tablet, or cast to the TV. When I want to game it’s usually on my switch.
It’s The laptop is really my device of last resort. I know it will do exactly what I want it to do, but I have to dig it out, clear space for it and usually plug it in if it’s not a quick job because the thing is old and an energy hog. My tablet is newer and I got it a convertible laptop-like keyboard case. The battery lasts so much longer and it’s just easier to lug around to where I need it for whatever.
As a person with a brain, it is hard to take you seriously.
Sounds like that should be the states problem, not hers. If she eligible and approved, she should go home. If the state wants constant monitoring, then they can figure out another way.
A cat in a box will stay in the box unless distracted by an outside noise.
We’ve done it for flimsier excuses
As a short person I cannot hesitate. I may neither ask, nor wait to be bidden. When an artifact is loosed from the grip of another, I retrieve it with grace and expediency. The knees and the backs of the giants and ancients are precious things that must be preserved. This is the law of the little.
This👆, but without the “/s”.
Chicago police said they were not notified of the alleged incident.
Sounds like neither ICE nor the people trusted the police to be on their side.
Ah, just like when the CDC injected folks with sunlight and ended Covid.