Then a wild перчатки (perchatki) appeared.
The one with John Cusack was 2012. California was destroyed by super earthquakes in that one.
Little crooks, if they're seriously backing the Republican party, it's because they're admitting to being a two bit criminal wanting to be a three bit criminal.
As long as max acrobat skill still lets me leap over buildings, I'm open to gameplay changes.
Mitt Romney might just be the only member of the GOP with at least a single honest bone in his body.
It's raining cobras and mongooses.
And rename it New Kaliningrad.
We might be at climate conundrum, survival of life as we know it or more short term profit for the few.
Meanwhile, in Texas, people sit at stop signs to play on their phones. Once they notice you they wave you through.
Gotta get those teasers ready for socials.
Fly em at full mast, but replace every flagpole in sight with poles that are a quarter of the height of the original pole.