Sounds like a permission problem from migrating files over, run steam from terminal to see precise errors.
They frequently do! Like when they report on catastrophic flooding by finding a stopped up drain and standing in it ankle deep and shouting about how awful it is as cars drive by behind them on the slightly wet roads.
There has been some recent investment in trying to make plant based rubber in the US again:
We even have an app for it now: apt install hollywood
Commercial yogurt. Yeah maybe it's just a tasty and healthy probiotic. Or maybe it's a way for food conglomerates to change our gut bacteria so that we crave even more foods with cheap sugar.
Would I rather live in a world where sometimes people take advantage of kindness or a world where nobody helps anyone in need? I'll take the former.
Dome Keeper isn't too bad. Hoping they add co-op soon. Their next game looks amazing though:
oh wow you can.. i guess it's a bug they left it out of the tool-tip! I was mostly using it as a backup to keep nutrients alive to restart the system if issues came up. But being able to use an assembler means that can all just be done with a circuit.
Yeah, that's how I discovered it, tried to put in production modules in my spoil->nutrient makers and they end up burning more than they produce!
Yeah, thankfully those tend not to be the titles I have any interest in playing. Just more high budget over marketed repetitive DLC and DRM ridden shiny piles of garbage.
My guess would be to play games smoothly that are so horribly un-optimized they run poorly on all hardware.
If you copied over your home user folder there may be some permission issues in the hidden directories where apps store their settings. If you suspect anything in your user directory might be an issue test creating and logging in with a new user account and see if everything works there.