I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the quality of the content.
PRISM, backdoors, etc. https://mobile.twitter.com/wikileaks/status/839181861976956928 If it's based in the USA or China it doesn't matter how encrypted it is, both countries can legally force the provision of backdoors and not tell you about it.
That's not entirely true. Telegram reported 25 million new users in the past few weeks, they've crossed over 500 million this month. It's just not happening in North America because of the insular nature of the empire.
Hopefully she moves to Mastodon
The Economist is a Neoliberal rag. Might I suggest reading Le Monde Diplomatique English edition instead? www.mondediplo.com - It's the same style as The Economist but it doesn't promote Neoliberal policies or coup d'etats.
Mailbox.org has more features because they use an open source groupware called Open-Xchange. But TutaNota is built around privacy. I subscribe to both but I use Mailbox for work/calendar stuff more and Tuta for subscriptions and family.
I was using posteo but I have personal disagreements with it. 1) They use Roundcube for their webmail software. Roundcube is developed by crowdfund thieves. In 2015 they raised $120k USD from crowdfunders and then subsequently kept the money, and to this day haven't debriefed funders with what they did with the money. They also shutdown any discussion on the topic on their github. https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=RoundCube-Next-2018 Point being, I asked Posteo about this and they told me they had no comment. It just seems unethical to use that software. On top of that Roundcube doesn't hold calendar invites properly compared to TutaNota or Mailbox.org 2) Posteo actually outsources a lot of their email server maintenance to Heinlen, which is the company that runs Mailbox.org - I feel that if something goes wrong, mailbox.org would be up first.
Those are my only reasons why I don't use Posteo actually, I don't want to support Roundcube developers and I felt like their outsourcing to Mailbox made Mailbox a better choice. I never had problems with the Posteo service and it's inexpensive. If you don't care about the roundcube issue it's a fine choice.
Though I will say exploring the pro's and con's of each email provider and finding out the shell ownership of some of them (like Startmail, which is owned by a US-based data mining company,) is quite fun.
As someone who has already looked at all 14 options with regards to private, secure, and inexpensive email in a privacy friendly jurisdiction; I can try to save you some time and say you should probably look at Mailbox.org or Tutanota.com for a Gmail replacement.
We joke but in a couple years Deepin will likely be the most popular Linux desktop outside of North America and Western Europe.
Yeah, Bill Gates has always been shady. The way he took out competitors when he ran Microsoft was very unethical. I haven't seen much change in him except he 'donated' half of his money to his charity that invests in companies and his network keeps increasing. He's a narcissistic billionaire with more power than a lot of governments and that's scary to me.
Have you heard anything in the news about the 5 OPCW whistleblowers reporting that the US justification for bombing Syria 2 years ago was a false flag operation? Or that the US blocked OPCW testimony at the UN Security Council about the matter?