What about delta.chat?
I don't know if any of you are on Telegram but Durov's Channel is doing a takedown of privacy criticisms. He's essentially calling people who demand server side code open sources misinformed.
To that point I'm not sure why Threema or Telegram aren't being considered more seriously as they don't fall in US jurisdiction.
What about Threema? Open source, e2ee, easy user interface, no metadata collection
Look up Fluffychat and also Wire
I use the Yandex Keyboard because I like the typing flow. It's probably not secure but it's no nonsense like swift or Google have.
It's a really cool idea but these guys have been stuck in the academic/theoretical for years. It's similar to resonate coop - amazing idea but they can't find the coders. I hope they get funding and exposure to find that passionate developer
FluffyChat is making great strides in this space for Matrix in terms of UI quality. But agree it has the same problem as many open source projects, UI isn't a priority and then people wonder why X project doesn't take off.
So this actually resonated with some friends and family members and I was able to sign them up to Telegram. Might be worth a shot to share. Telegram isn't perfect but it's a lot better than Whatsapp for privacy.
Can you trade ETH 2 yet?
Yeah, like that. He makes it seem like he's helping the works but he's actually just opening the doors for US privatization. https://www.grain.org/en/article/6511-why-the-bill-gates-global-health-empire-promises-more-empire-and-less-public-health