
joined 2 years ago
[–] Nevrome 1 points 1 year ago

Unbelievable how Jacques Martin is somehow still relevant today as a head coach. You look over your shoulder, he's there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for his next stint in the NHL.

[–] Nevrome 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Surtout que des anti-anglophones, il y en autant au Québec.

Mononc' Gontran qui veut rien savoir d'apprendre l'anglais pour se débrouiller un tant soit peu a Old Orchard, ça existe aussi. Les "squareheads", qui disent.

Ceci dit, les deux côtés, autant anti-franco qu'anti-anglo, ce sont des minorités qui ont maintenant une tribune sur Internet. Je ne suis pas Québécois mais j'ai jamais eu de trouble avec mon accent Brayon peu importe où j'allais parler au Canada anglais.

[–] Nevrome 2 points 1 year ago

I sure wish they make the playoffs. Good team with an average coach.

[–] Nevrome 1 points 1 year ago

Not living in QC either but I swear the voters will enable another 4 years of this CAQ nonsense (not that we're better with Higgs at the helm here).

The closest polling political party is the Parti Québécois, whose platform is based around Quebec forming its own country. The younger generations are mostly left-leaning on the political compass but almost no one wants the province to leave Canada.

Then, the third highest polling party, Québec Solidaire, is left-leaning as well but way more socialist than the PQ. They're often called the "left-extremists."

Bottom line, they're stuck with the CAQ for a fucking while.

[–] Nevrome 15 points 1 year ago (5 children)


I loved playing Dead Cells, I will surely get this one once it's out.

However, another website that spells rogue as rouge. Being a French-Canadian, I always read rougelike as "similar to the color red".

[–] Nevrome 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I wonder if EA automatically brings in negative reviews even if the game is somewhat enjoyable?

Genuinely asking, not a fan of EA in any way. I won't buy this game but 22% seems atrociously low.

[–] Nevrome 3 points 1 year ago

Étant du N.-B., je trouvais difficile d'être pire que Higgs mais bon, félicitations Legault?

[–] Nevrome 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

J'aurais tant voulu qu'ils appellent ça un "Compensated Unemployment Cake".

[–] Nevrome 5 points 1 year ago

Surprised to see my GPU so low in the boards.

RX6600XT with only 0.43% market share.

[–] Nevrome 1 points 1 year ago

Slight increase in 4060 (non-TI and TI) usage across the board.

[–] Nevrome 4 points 1 year ago

Y'a l'doua. (Hommage a M. McDermott, du remblai illégal, également résident de Cantley).

Sans blague, on serait surpris de voir la quantité de gens qu'on croise au quotidien et dont on ignore le passé/le bagage.

Même en milieu hospitalier, les patients connus et diagnostiqués par la psychiatrie ne sont qu'une infime partie (lire <10%) des gens ayant besoin de ressources. C'est le restant, qui fait peur.

[–] Nevrome 2 points 1 year ago

And it's pocket change for Google, to be honest.

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