Le Québec a perdu une encyclopédie humaine.
Paix à votre âme M. Houde.
Don't leave his brother FreeCell out of this.
Everything is up to date and monitor sleep is turned off.
I'm starting to wonder if I give up on the 7700XT and go back to my 6600XT, it was sure as hell less troublesome.
Already troubleshooted the hell out of it to no avail. It is a ViewSonic Omni monitor.
I'm pretty sure it is.
However, when using a DP cable, my GPU disables itself if the computer is left unattended for 20ish minutes. Moving the mouse, using the keyboard, turning the monitor on and off, nothing is displayed once it shuts down even if I hear music/apps/games running.
Without changing any settings, using a HDMI cable solves that problem.
I'm gaming at QHD/120fps so a HDMI cable is plenty for the task.
Me neither. I play at 1440p/120hz. Both cables can manage that resolution and frame rate.
The only difference I get is when I use DisplayPort and leave my computer alone for 20 mins, the GPU goes to sleep and the monitor won't display anything although I hear background apps/games running.
Without changing any settings, using a HDMI cable solved that.
HDMI it is.
Sans grande surprise.
Je n'ai absolument personne dans mon entourage qui a déjà commandé quelque chose sur Le Panier Bleu.
Si les utilisateurs Lemmy l'ont déjà fait, je veux votre avis sincère.
Je ne peux pas concevoir que quelqu'un se sente en sécurité dans une maison bourrée d'armes. Que ce soit pour la revente ou par syndrome de Diogène, c'est malsain en tabarnak.
Je veux dire, t'es un chasseur, tu as deux carabines pour le temps de la chasse. Alright.
100 armes? Wtf.
Pas regardé encore et je dois avouer que ton résumé me donne pas envie non plus! Si jamais je le visionne, je viendrai faire une mise à jour du thread.
French, old millenial. Plenty of Jean-"X". What I mean is :
Jean-François Jean-Michel Jean-Luc Jean-Mathieu Jean-Marc ...
Gosh, I hope so.
59,5M$ for all this mess, saying they failed to manage the app is the least insulting thing they could've said.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense would have done a better job.