Who cares? It's a distraction. Don't pay attention to this. Pay attention to the actions he's taking.
Due to AI?
Let's pretend this person is right. Let's just pretend the child is fine in every other way.
Ya kid still fucked
When you put it that way, I agree. You want to be the king, you take the blame.
I'm all for making Trump look bad, so is you feel that this will damage him, I'm in. I just want to see some evidence or an ATC that would agree.
Do you have siblings? Are they on it? How about cousins? Aunt?
Not in that incident, no. It may affect the future, but that incident seemed to be pilot error according to the ATC recordings.
You are seeing people angry about his ridiculous comments about how this was DEI. Which is justified anger.
Leaving out emotion and reading what has been reported has lead me to believe that it was helicopter pilot's fault. What Trump is doing to the FAA is abhorrent and it will cause issues going forward, but I don't see his actions having caused this issue. The air traffic controller DID their job and tried to cofirm that the blackhawk go behind the CBJ. The pilot fucked up.
This time.
That article says that they have been dealing with staffing issues for some time.
I'll have a tall glass of red 40 code red Mt Dew to celebrate.