I like to play Diablo 4 Season 1 before bed because it helps me get to sleep fast.
Waking up to a new day.
Yeah that's a great idea. Don't work from home, live from work instead. Frig off...
Japan should absolutely be proud of their amazing gaming legacy. There is an unexplainable style and flare to Japanese action games, and non-Japanese 3rd person action games come across as jank to me fairly often. I'm sure there are exceptions to this, just not as many.
My wife loves her Nintendo switch and so does my daughter. I also played Diablo 4 with my wife which is amazing. I'm all for more women playing games. I don't have to hide by myself in a room playing video games anymore. It's just a normal part of my family. There are many benefits to women playing games beyond what I just mentioned obviously.
Is this serious, or joking/trolling? Smoking is expensive, and stinky. It is without any tangible benefits. You are being silly.
I bought this book on leanpub years ago and it has helped my career tremendously. At the time I donated like $50 because I got my company to pay for it but I would have gladly paid that amount out of pocket. This book is worth your time and your money, especially at this price.
People who understand will know this should be right up there with Chrono Trigger. Ryu Ga Gotoku is awesome.
Big same :(