You're missing my point: The point where they stop chasing money, or power, or anything you want to call it, is when they have it ALL. They are not a homogeneous group. More than one want everything, and they will burn the world down to get it. The point where stopping is even forethought will be when the guillotines are at the door or humanity is wiped out.
One problem with your ending: They can't stop taking, so they won't stop short of where people will riot. The rich will never reach such an equilibrium state because one of those psychopaths has to be the emperor and others will always try and usurp the power.
Oh they can still use inmigrants, they just have to get them into private prison work programs first.
Shit, I vomited without intent to fertilize an embryo
My good friend Hypx! Please look up "Hydrogen Embrittlement". Good evening!
Send the emails to your company's legal team. It's not your fight.
There is a private equity firm for every industry. Daycares, physios, dentists, everyone. They all make them "efficient" by cutting services and maximizing profits at the expense of the public, and there's seemingly no way to stop them.
No, that belongs to Maria
Why not use a french press?
Just stop by a fast charger every now and then. Some EVs will already charge like 80% in under 15 minutes. The next few years will see even faster charging. Might not be a need to upgrade.
What if I told you that being given piles of money is like a drug.
Lift and shift to Azure!