
joined 2 years ago
[–] NotAnArdvark 4 points 1 year ago

It felt like a huge relief to get names put on things I had been experiencing for most my life. It helped me pull apart a "me" and a "challenge I have."

Before, it was all "me," and I had a guilt around why I struggled so much in certain areas where so many didn't, and why I seemed so hard to help. But with a name to apply to these struggles, now the "me" was the part that had just been trying to cope with challenges many other people didn't have to worry about.

This is much better for feelings of self-worth. I can reasonably think "well, they too might be acting this way if their brain was kicking up shit like mine tends to do."

It also helps me understand my history and why I may have done things I did. I believe this more the longer I'm on medication. With a clearer head I start to drop coping mechanisms that no longer serve me, and I have a longer time line to notice what actually works for me - for all areas of life that everyone deals with. I guess... Like, it's not all just mental chaos now, I can actually pin down cause and effect. Like, I like a regular bed time because I like being able to concentrate the next day. In the past I would have no idea how an irregular sleep schedule might affect me because my ability to concentrate was constantly in flux with no discernable cause.

Of course, the help you get is better too once everyone knows what they're dealing with.

[–] NotAnArdvark 3 points 1 year ago

I really enjoyed reading this, thank you.

I'd be interested in reading more about the benefits of using an atomic distro, if you were looking for ideas on things to write about. I imagine it must make system upgrades easier but what about replicating your setup elsewhere? Like if I was doing some development and now I need to throw some serious hardware at the problem, could I just backup all my Flatpaks some configs, and spin up my desktop on a cloud VM?

I'm pretty sure that's what Nix is all about, but the learning curve seems steep.

[–] NotAnArdvark 22 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yes! What is with that? We're almost assured a terrible wildfire and growing season at this point and everyone is gushing about how nice it is. I mentioned at a coffee shop that I wouldn't mind snow for some snowshoeing or skiing and the look I got was like I had smeared shit on myself. Well they enjoy not shoveling the walk or need to brush snow off their car.

I thought mentioning farmers and crops would back me up, but no. You know those farmers, always complaining.. 🙄

[–] NotAnArdvark 2 points 1 year ago

I'm not sure I experience exactly what you describe - I'd describe what I hear as a radio just barely audible in the background. I only experience it when I'm about to fall asleep or supposed to be getting up.

Ten or so years ago after a really long day of school I flopped down in bed and noticed it and I made a conscious decision to listen rather than move. Ever since it happens a couple times a month now. I've never found it concerning and it's maybe almost comforting, like, "oh, that thing is back."

It's exactly like a soft radio where you're only catching bits and pieces of what's being said. Sometimes I recognize unusual words I heard from that day, the voices are distinct and can be female or male. I can't decide if I can influence what's being said or not. I do think the harder I pay attention the more coherent things start to sound.

My feeling is that bits of what I've heard throughout the day, or maybe longer, are getting played back to me. But I've never recognized any of the voices of heard anything said that I could identify as verbatim from the day.

[–] NotAnArdvark 2 points 1 year ago

I'm loving the new camera update and I don't have anyone to tell... I think it's awesome they're doing this for a previous-generation phone.

[–] NotAnArdvark 2 points 1 year ago

If you are reading this, and you live in an area that got hit with forest fire smoke last year, prepare now and get supplies to build a DIY HEPA filter setup for your home with guides like this:

I’ve already got my set up ready because I had to last year.

You've inspired me to make one for my parents. It really is cheap and easy to do, you just need the foresight to do it because box fans get hard to find in the summer.

[–] NotAnArdvark 2 points 1 year ago

I really appreciate this, thank you. I think I had confused myself by playing with 'u16' and 'u8' and somehow coming to the conclusion that they were matching the right side of a 32-bit string. (Which may still be true, but, I'm just masking u32s now).

This is what I ended up with, which is working the way I'd expect:

tc filter add dev wlan0 protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 u32 \
	match u32 0x30d6 0x0000ffff at -16 \
	match u32 0xc92d1905 0xffffffff at -12 flowid 1:20

This sends Ethernet frames destined for 30:d6:c9:2d:19:05 to flow 1:20, and it doesn't seem to match a second device I tested. So, all good! Thank you again.

[–] NotAnArdvark 15 points 1 year ago

"... but sign up for our newsletter!"

[–] NotAnArdvark 13 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm surprised by the negative comments even here.

My wife and I have been using a urine-diverting composting toilet (Nature's Head) full time for six years now. It has its quirks, but we both prefer it to a normal toilet - although we both lament that there is no "bidet toilet seat" possibility.

Obviously, there's no water needed, but there is also no smell. Like, less smell than a flush toilet. We have a tiny vent fan and no matter how terrible your deposit, whatever smell there is never makes it out of the bowl.

The compost, after sitting a bit longer with our outdoor compost, goes on our trees. But the overall volume from the toilet is really minimal. I change it every 5 weeks or so.

There was a slight adjustment period to get used to changing it. Again, it's not the smell, it's just the idea of "these are clumps of coco coir covered shit nuggets I'm looking at."

The worst part is the urine, which, when you're swapping out the bottles, does stink. It's not for everyone, but in the summer I dilute the pee with water (1:10) then I use that to water our compost.

Anyway... I think with more interest the design of toilets like ours could really be improved. I'm sure it would work without issue for families with their own suburban-like lots. Condos or apartments might need more infrastructure.

My impression is the real blocker is just "ew, gross" and maybe some manly "I only stand to piss!" We've also been surprised how many people seem to be totally tuned out to their... Uhh, "waste elimination" I'd say. Like, if you're pooping, you need to open the flap. We tell everyone, we have it written down. There is a whole explanation of how the toilet functions. But we'll still get home after being away, or after a guest leaves and one of us goes to the bathroom and - oh lord, what were they thinking.

[–] NotAnArdvark 2 points 1 year ago

My concern is the entire grid - in Alberta at least.

Whenever it's really cold or really hot out our grid pretty much maxes out and if that happens to coincide with a calm day, I think we're in trouble.

It's cold out - lets all watch the price of electricity hit $999/MWh this evening and think about whether we'd be comfortable if a couple thousand Albertans had to suddenly turn on their resistive heating:

[–] NotAnArdvark 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

One thing that makes me wary is that this electric supplementary heating is needed at exactly the same time the grid is under the most stress. Plus, as we all get heat pumps, we're all going to need that extra electricity at the same time.

If you already have a gas furnace, the case could be made to keep that as your backup. But that doesn't seem ideal. It's something to maintain, made worse by the fact it will be so infrequently used. Plus, you can never hope to get rid of your gas line/company.

It makes me think ground source heating is the obvious answer, but, the cost...

[–] NotAnArdvark 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Wow - so you're saying not until around -25 to -30 does supplementary heat kick in? Is there cool air being blown out your vents 24/7 around that temperature?

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