
joined 2 years ago
[–] Noved 20 points 3 days ago

Not date them, breed ala handmaids tale

[–] Noved 3 points 1 week ago

I love how it's just pet pics and nature haha

[–] Noved 4 points 1 week ago

Excellent! When pixelfed was growing I was going to join but abstained as there was no .ca instance yet. On and hoping to be active!

Find me @noveda for occasional bread/baking or dog content haha

[–] Noved 4 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Nope, was just hoping to understand your side of things a bit more, some context into how your opinions were formed. But clearly you're not interested in any type of discussion.

[–] Noved 9 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

I'm not going to argue with you because there's enough other people doing that. What I am interested though is a few statistics about yourself to compare to what you're saying.

You claim to be part of a group who " works hard for a living"

Just wondering what your line of work is and yearly income.

Have you always voted conservative? does your family vote conservative or are you the outlier?

What social media platforms do you use?.

What region of the USA do you live in? Normally blue/ red?


[–] Noved 19 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It's comments like this that make me think I don't have ADHD and I'm just a bit slow.

My therapist says I'm likely ADHD and I align with a lot in this thread, but this description is about 1000% more dramatic than my day to day life. I guess it's all a spectrum, but I've never felt like I'm living in a fog, I'm very very aware of all of the things I'm fucking up, but my mind doesn't tell my body it's worth fixing yet.

I never "forget" to finish a task, I remember that task needs to get done every 5 mins after I leave it not finished and it pains me to look at it every time I walk by it. But there are more important things to do. Like scrolling Lemmy or IG.

[–] Noved 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It's ok world record is something like 14 iirc, but lowest I've been able to score was sub 23

[–] Noved 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Started my year off with a new computer and a portal speed run! Sub 27 mins with no quick saving was a solid start to the year.

Actually, playing portal on max graphics and getting 60fps was the real solid start 😅

[–] Noved 1 points 2 months ago

Oooh! I've heard alot about The Outer Worlds so I throw in my ticket for that!

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

[–] Noved 13 points 2 months ago (17 children)

New to the Linux community here; why is a valve owned Linux OS better than any other massive company OS. Like if Microsoft released their own Linux OS, would it be good suddenly?

At the end of the day, we don't want our OS's big company owned right?

[–] Noved 27 points 2 months ago

This comment here is peak Linux, and a perfect example of that xkcd comic.

99% of people probably couldn't even tell you what a syntax is. Let alone how it's relevant to using Linux

[–] Noved 3 points 3 months ago


submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Noved to c/[email protected]

So I'm building a new computer before the end of the year and lemmy is obviously pushing me towards Linux.

I am not computer savvy, I have a family member that will help me set up my PC, but I do not want to be calling/messaging them every day when I want to open a program.

Basically my question comes down to: can I operate a Linux PC these days without needing to troubleshoot or type code.

I use my computer about once a week for a few hours I would say, so any time spent troubleshooting is time wasted.


EDIT: since a lot of people are asking what programs I typically use, I'll just list my most used programs.

Word, Excel, ect(I'm fine with alternatives)


Gimp (would have been a make or break, so I'm glad it's supported)

Brave browser (browser is a browser)



I would say that while I could figure out how the kernels work, I'm at a point with computers these days where I don't have the time. My priorities fall with a seamless daily experience. If I have the time to figure something out I can, but ideally my day to day usage being unbotherd is what I'm after.

A lot of the comments so far have been helpful! I'm definitely going to give Linux a fair shot with my new build, probably start with Mint.

submitted 2 years ago by Noved to c/bread

They might not be the most consistent, but I'm learning a lot! Recipe will come with the final total product photo tomorrow!


Starting my 3rd double recipe of Country Loaf for the weekend, goal is 4-5 or 16-20 loaves!

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Noved to c/bread

It's gonna be a busy production weekend for me. Putting that starter on double duty! Aiming for 8 loafs a day for the weekend, starting with an overnight retardation.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Noved to c/bread


High quality bread flour: 375g
Garlic powder: 5g
Italian Seasoning: 5g

Water: 225g
Oil: 40g
Poolish: 200g (it's what I had on hand, I'm would normally have only used 100g) 
Active Dry Yeast: 5g
Salt: 15g

1. Mix water with poolish and Oil
2. Mix salt in wet and combine with dry
3. Knead till a ball forms (skin will tear easily)
4. Rest in warm environment for 30 mins.
5. Knead into smooth ball, rest for 30 mins
6. Flour (or semolina) rolling surface and expand to two, 10 inch rounds. See tips after recipe
7. Build your pizzas and bake at 425 for 20ish mins

Pizza shaping tips!

-wet dough is harder to handle, but way easier to shape.

-equal parts semolina and flour is an awesome dust for your bench.

-tossing your pizza in the air is a great method to expand a soft and supple dough. It’s also real fun.

-let your dough balls rest for 15-20 mins before expanding.

-place your dough ball on the dusted bench and press from the inside out. Try to avoid breaking the skin!

-always rotate the dough while expanding it. Envision a circular rope around the outside of the crust that you are trying to stretch but not break. If you do this right you will be able to actually feel the gluten strands forming a circle around your dough.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Noved to c/bread


3 ripe bananas
1/3 melted butter
1 cup white sugar
1 egg

1-1/2 cups A.P flour or cake and pastry
1 tsp baking soda

1. Preheat oven to 350° f
2. Mash bananas and add wet. 
3. Add dry, mix until just combined with no flour lumps. If using c+p flour sift first. 
4. Transfer into parchment lines or well seasoned loaf pan. 
5.Bake for 1h-1:30h depending on your oven. Start checking after an hour.
6.let cool in pan! 

Gone all weekend, so no bread for me!


Cured Egg yolks by separating and submerging in a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, white sugar and red chilli flakes. 24-48 hours in the mix before use!

submitted 2 years ago by Noved to c/bread

Tartine Country Loaf:

90% AP flour

10% ww flour

75% water

20% poolish

2% salt

Cornstarch to dust/prevent sticking.

Baked in a dutch oven at 450 for 40 mins, removing the lid after 20 mins.

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