As most child abuse happens in the homes by the parents or relatives, when can we expect 24/7 surveilance in our homes?
Oh wait its not about protecting children, is it?
As most child abuse happens in the homes by the parents or relatives, when can we expect 24/7 surveilance in our homes?
Oh wait its not about protecting children, is it?
How dare you remind me of animal cruelty?! Now i will eat 3 Burgers 😤 (not that i would not anyways but you don't need to know that)
Going to fight against Nazi Germany for comparison of porportional counter attacks is really dumb when the Nazis killed more civilians than all their enemies during WWII combined. And it is not like the russians did not kill those in retaliation aswell, it was just impossible to catch up (we are going to ignore what Stalin did outside of fighting germany for this comment). Comparing a power capable of subjugating nearly a whole continent in the span of some months (all while planning and executing the murder of millions of civilians) with hamas got to be a bad joke.
He looks very similar to my cat (mega cute 😍)
Ich denke schon das es Überzeugungstäter sind. Die wissen doch relativ gut Bescheis wie sie ihre Wähler triggern und sich selbst Geld in die Tasche leiten.
This dude really thinks he is smart doesn't he. Half of america just wants an asshole, thats all.
Ohh man, die CDU ist einfach so ein korrupter und inkompetenter Gerontenkreis. Es wäre traurig wenn es nicht so wütend machen würde, dass solche Schwachmaten Asche und Mitspracherecht sondergleichen besitzen.
I mean with nuclear power there are atleast some things objectively problematic like the high costs of the energy produced and the garbage that is left off. I would not have a beef with thrm protesting GMO's either, where they are used to essentially make the farmers dependent on the seller of the crops. It is this black and white aproach thats really got me grinding my gears because at this point its more of a well known cult than a group for the environment.
Way to go greenpiss. Anti-scietific fear mongering that will only hurt.
The only reason, and sadly the reason why they will get away with this for some more time for sure, is that the U.S. has pledged unconditional support. The whole west has to now tip toe around the fact that they very much watch a nation commit genocide without sanctioning the shit out of them. Germany has it easy cause we can always say "as former nazis we can not do anything but crawl up isreals butt".
Can you do everything you want to, like fly by flapping your arms? No? Still you say you have free will. Can you buy a rocket and send it to mars? You cant? Still you say you have free will. Limited choices do not mean that you do not have free will.
Are they trying to push tech savy people into full blown criminality? Way to go.