Is this the "state rights" I keep hearing about?
They're waiting 4 years so they can vote in the next election that isn't coming.
A lot of people don't realize the game has changed. The Democrats, and a lot of the people are still under the assumption that if they keep playing nice they'll get their turn again. Their country has been stolen, and they're losing their rights by the day.
Downvotes are free speech.
Europeans don't want to drive a Swasticar? Why? Did something happen to make them dislike Nazis for some reason?
Weird. I wonder if anyone has any ideas why people would sympathize with the leader of a nation invaded by an aggressive expansionistic neighbour.
You forgot Panama and Greenland.
Football is big with racists.
Basically all of them?
The United States has been at war for 222 out of 239 years since its birth in 1776. This means that the U.S. has only been at peace for less than 20 years total since its birth.
First they came for the immigrants, and I did not speak out
Because I'm one of the good ones
The US is no longer a democracy.
He paused it for one month. We have 30 days before we're right back here again with his stupid demands. Stick to it. I'm with you.
Who knew the cure for mental illness, disabilities, trauma was being threatened by being eaten. So, by that logic, the cure for a psychopath politician is a hungry electorate? Eat the rich.