
joined 2 years ago

Review for Mega Man Battle Network 2 on Game Boy Advance from Nintendo Official Magazine 122 - November 2002 (UK)

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Preview for the unreleased StarCraft Ghost on GameCube from Nintendo Official Magazine 122 - November 2002 (UK)

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Review for TimeSplitters 2 on GameCube from Nintendo Official Magazine 122 - November 2002 (UK)

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Review for TimeSplitters 2 on GameCube from Nintendo Official Magazine 122 - November 2002 (UK)  score: 9/10
Review for TimeSplitters 2 on GameCube from Nintendo Official Magazine 122 - November 2002 (UK)  score: 9/10


Review for Smuggler's Run Warzones on GameCube from Nintendo Official Magazine 122 - November 2002 (UK)

This issue can be downloaded here:


Review for Smuggler's Run Warzones on GameCube from Nintendo Official Magazine 122 - November 2002 (UK)  score: 8/10


Review for Duke Nukem Advance on Game Boy Advance from Nintendo Official Magazine 122 - November 2002 (UK)

This issue can be downloaded here:


Review for Duke Nukem Advance on Game Boy Advance from Nintendo Official Magazine 122 - November 2002 (UK)  score: 9/10

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

@[email protected]
This is one of my absolute favourites.
GameArts just nailed the feel. The second one is just as great but sadly remained a Japan exclusive.

I still need to play the new Front Mission myself.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

@[email protected]
Yeah. It’s baffling to me to call Shining in the Darkness crap. It was terrific!
If anything, Shining Wisdom was quite a disappointment for me personally.

I really wish we got Sega Europe to do translations for the Lunar games as well as Grandia. 😭


Review for Street Fighter Alpha on Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)

This magazine can be downloaded in full here:


Review for Street Fighter Alpha on Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)  score: 93%


Review for Shining Wisdom on Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)

This magazine can be downloaded in full here:


Review for Shining Wisdom on Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)  score: 88%


Feature on The King of Fighters '95 for Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)

This magazine can be downloaded in full here:


Feature on The King of Fighters '95 for Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)
Feature on The King of Fighters '95 for Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)


Feature on Gun Griffon for Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)

This magazine can be downloaded in full here:


Feature on Gun Griffon for Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)
Feature on Gun Griffon for Sega Saturn rom Official Sega Saturn Magazine 6 - April 1996 (UK)


Interview with Violet and Andy from Bad Influence!
Taken from Super Action 3 - December 1992 (UK)

This issue can be downloaded here:



The news section from Super Action 3 - December 1992 (UK)

This issue can be downloaded here:


The news section from Super Action 3 - December 1992 (UK)
The news section from Super Action 3 - December 1992 (UK)
The news section from Super Action 3 - December 1992 (UK)


Review for Cameltry on Super Nintendo From Super Action 3 - December 1992 (UK)

This issue can be downloaded here:


Review for Cameltry on Super Nintendo From Super Action 3 - December 1992 (UK)  score: 86%
Review for Cameltry on Super Nintendo From Super Action 3 - December 1992 (UK)  score: 86%

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

@[email protected]

yeah, that jumped out at me as well.
There were a ton of these kinds of ads in magazines at the time as well, most were to get images on your phone, but some were close to being sex lines even. Really weird seeing that in games magazines, no matter the age.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

and the contents pages for Nintendo Official Magazine 140 - May 2004 (UK)

and the contents pages for Nintendo Official Magazine 140 - May 2004 (UK)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

@[email protected]

I hated those bikes. 😅
But that’s only because they were not balanced compared to the karts, so that messed up online in a big way.

A similar thing happened to Ridge Racer btw.
While the new ones feel and look incredible, they lost something in trying to shave off all though rough edges till there was nothing left.
Didn’t like the addition of nitros either myself.

Till this day Ridge Racer V remains the final one which really felt rewarding as you needed to keep the cars under control.
In the follow-ups you could do multiple 360s while drifting and still win without any issues.
The old one were an actual battle, against the opponents but also the tracks.
I really miss that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

@[email protected]
It’s definitely one of the toughest Mario Kart games.
I actually miss this style of MK.
Despite the new ones feeling just perfect in every way possible, the drifting feels a little too on rails for me.
Bit on the easy side.

Love the shoutout for Wii btw.
Another entry that does not deserve the hate it gets at all.
For single player racing I actually prefer it to DS.
A steering wheel and some of those harder courses and it’s just bliss to play. 😄
The battle modes after DS just don’t hit those highs anymore sadly.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

@[email protected]
You know, I never even thought about that or even noticed it for that matter.
Well, unless we’re talking about Baby Park which is like 10 laps. 😅

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

@[email protected]

I think that's only normal.
My memory seems to go wonky at times as well, I guess that's just how it goes.

I have vivid memories of playing Castlevania on that train ride back as well, but when I saw on my list that I only picked it up 2 weeks later, it kinda confused me...

But I'm pretty sure I know what happened.
My friend came along to buy his own GBA the same trip and we must have picked up different games.
Perhaps they didn't have enough copies in stock or something.

At times like these, I'm so glad that I have this games list that goes all the way back to the early 90's to see what I got and where. Although the first year or so of the listing is a little vague with just general months and no concrete dates as I didn't have any receipts of those days when I started making these lists in the early 2000's.

Still, it really help to puzzle this memories back together.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

@[email protected]

I actually picked that one up many years ago on PS2, but never got around to playing it.
That one really looks like it's right up my alley.
Love the way it looks.
Got it on PS4 as well, so that might actually be a good idea.

Really want to go back to Persona and Trails from Zero as well.

So many RPGs, so little time... 😬

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

@[email protected]

I still need to go back to this one as back when it came out, I wasn't into this style of RPG and vastly preferred the classics.
Lunar, Tales, Skies of Arcadia, etc...

Right now I'm nearing the end of FF7 remake, so I'll be looking to play another one. Still haven't decided what to pick though.

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