Looks like a cavalry charge haha.
My citrus trees are having a hell of a time. Not only am I trying to stop citrus leafminers from destroying all the new growth, now locusts are eating all the leaves. I go up to a tree to check, and about a dozen flrying gasshoppers fly off the tree to get away from me. Please stop.
Sowed some carrots at the start of last week, which have now sprouted this week. First time trying carrots, so wish me luck.
Also ordered some seeds from https://www.theseedcollection.com.au/ to try out.
Boggles the mind. You would think getting vehicles off the road would be a priority, it would cost less in the long run due to less road maintenance, lower chances of accidents, etc.
I think that is stupid answer here. Why spend money now to save it later, when we could keep money now and spend more later...wait.
First time seeing a cyclone weather icon in the BOM App. TIL