
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

it wasn't meant to be the US property/controlled forever anyway, part of the initial agreement was a "in perpetuity" ownership with added restrictions maxing out at 99 years. We are long past that point anyway as the ownership upper term was hit in 2013, but yes, the treaty is also a huge reason why as well.

Basically the only thing that the US was supposed to always have, was access to the canal.

[–] [email protected] 86 points 10 hours ago (3 children)

having a whole lot of "Accidental" topic suppression as of late aren't they?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

Same way every other penalty is enforced. threat of eviction if rules/terms are not followed.

Student's are entitled to live in the dorms. Sure they pay money but, they agree to follow guidelines. Just like if caught supplying alcohol to minors or partying. Repeat offenses = eviction

I'm not saying a one off should equal eviction but, but there should be a punishment, even if its a warning first.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (5 children)

I mean, fair is fair.

If I build a treehouse in the backyard of a building I'm renting (with landlord approval ofc), then I move out, I don't take the tree house with me, US law states moreorless that anything that is not portable, when installed on a piece of land, become that land owners property.

The US built a canal on Panama's property. Under agreement from both parties, sounds like the same should apply here. The amount of money spent and who spent it doesn't really matter imo. It's on panama's land, its panama's property.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 hours ago

this is what walmart pulled, my state required them to raise the minimum wage to 13$ about 2 years prior to them doing it across the board, they applied the raise and then used the raise which they were forced to do, as the next 2 years worth of excuses for the lack of cost of living increase.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

depends on how its being implemented tbh, steam for example has protections against that stuff. But if they keep the "third party account may be required" style of warning on the page, like they had with helldivers 2, steam will likely not do anything until Sony ok'd the refunds.

Defo avoid buying period unless that warning is gone.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

Wow, it took them this long to realize that was a major bottleneck for their gaming.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 15 hours ago (3 children)

Rules that that are how you get residents breaking policy and bringing home appliances into the dorm and straining the circuit.

Just set a policy of watch the microwave, and enforce it. Making college students work around stupid policies is just going to cause more issues down the line lol

[–] [email protected] 4 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

wasn't in the US New England area either, we have consumer protections that block that type of fraud here.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

the only thing I've noticed that people care more about a Chinese thing is a Russian thing.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

I don’t make art myself, the closest I come is software development, which is already heavily scraped and used for training AI models. So, I agree that I might not fully understand, especially since my field tends to embrace assistive tools.

That said, I think the idea that AI-generated art reflects poorly on the original artist is a bit of a misnomer/self inflicted. When someone looks at an AI-generated piece, they’re not going to think, "Oh, that was by Liyunxiao," because the end product isn’t a direct copy of any specific work. The models don’t store or reproduce the original source data, they learn patterns based off the source material, and then reapply them using what they have learned, often with a lot of randomization(as shown by it's sometimes blatant inability to show realistic looking outputs)

While I believe we agree with the statement that work should have the artists permission before usage in a training model, or at the very least be paid for their usage instead of it just being scraped, I think both are comparable. One makes a new piece of art using what its "learned" off traits the training set had, one copies an existing piece of art. Neither prevent anyone from using the original source(artist or game studio), and they both are done usually against the wishes of the original team.

Being said, the example provided I think works better when compared to piracy, as at least at that point it's a 1:1 clone instead of a creative works. As a art piece by a holocaust survivor being thrown into a training set on a diffusion model, wouldn't come out the same image on the other end. Only a generalization and styleset is saved. At the end of the day, nobody has the ability to know where the diffusion art's original sources came from nor is it able to produce a picture that is recognizable to an artists style, whereas with piracy you have a piece of work you can look up to see who owned it.

That's just my opinion on it all though.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

I tried proton and I couldn't get into using their service since it kept asking for personal information. I ended up not using it.

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