Which is why this platform will never have a meaningful growth. But 90% of the user base is happy with that because they enjoy having their opinions validated and not challenged a.k.a. echo chamber.
It's too convenient. Order something Sunday night, I'll definitely have it by Tuesday afternoon if not earlier. I always wait until I have enough items I need over $50 before I place an order anyway.
She was one of only three seasons I continued to watch the garbage pile that was Discovery. But this was easily the worst I've gotten from her character. Not because of her acting. Her character just seemed watered down in this movie.
It's nice he is finally able to live as himself.
I can't imagine what would have satisfied Russia other than complete surrender. Ukraine had few other options than to fight. Uphill as their battle may have been.
Unfortunately, everyone of your quoted feedback is spot on. Lemmy got the worst of reddit's political echo chamber combined with the "I am so smart" crowd. To make Lemmy barely tolerable, I've had to filter far too many words and block far too many communities. Most people aren't going to jump through hoops to make a platform usable.
This. All of this. Thank you.
I bought a Verizon Droid around 2011 (X? Turbo? Bionic? Who can remember). I used my mini hdmi port exactly once. Moved into my new house. ISP wouldn't be out until the next day, so I ran Netflix from my phone to my TV. For many hours. Phone was extremely hot.
Instructions unclear. Brushed teeth with CD. My gums hurt now. Tastes like a penny.