Unfortunately more work I need to catch up on for my research MA program. But it's just messing with some R code for analyses, which is much more preferable than doing any writing. Might bike to a cafe and work there for a change of scenery.
I couldn't fully get through 3 to the very end but when I was playing, I had to turn off subtitles and dialogue audio to get through it without cringing the entire way through. Rough story aside, lot of the humour of 3 felt dated at the time of release whereas 2 /TPS still fit the humor at the time, which I lets me still appreciate it now. Course, it also helped the general stories for 2 and TPS were also enjoyable.
I had to put down my 14yr cat yesterday, feel you bud. Been crying by myself ever since. Try to have someone who can support you if you can.
Had some leftover rice, mapp tofu, and a couple pieces of general tao. Always nice to have Chinese food with a bit of a kick to it.
Great job, and good luck! It might be hard and take some time to get back into the swing of things, but take it day by day, moment to moment and things won't seem so tough.
My 14 year old cat has ckd and my biggest fear is that I won't be there when she eventually passes. Since I've adopted her when she was 8, she hasn't been too friendly with other people or animals besides me, so I don't know who else would be able to give her comfort when she has to go (knowing of course, that's not usually cat behavior when they get close to death).
And I just want to make sure she feels loved until the very end.
Finally started graduate school and seems pretty okay so far. Haven't been able to connect much to my cohort, but a bit closer with my actual area. I'm not too down about that given I'm trying to treat this as a job than as school, and have always been shy and anxious (though not so much anymore). It'll just be something that comes naturally over time I hope as my nerves settle down a bit and Im able to meet more people in the department and in my classes.
Trying to learn Python then leapfrog from that to do more advanced analyses with AI. Good and bad, good as it seems to give me a bit of an edge on my cohort (not to validate my worth on my status to others) but bad as I didn't really expect to be doing this so early and no one has any real resources to learn. So it's up to myself to figure it out.
Only since I came back from shopping today has she been more receptive to laying in my lap (apparently got into a fight with my other cat while I was out).. but she's been enjoying her little spot on top of the freezer. I'm glad she's comfortable in our new place, but I will miss the days where she'd cuddle in my lap until she fell asleep. 😿
So bit of a stretch recommendation but I can never turn down a chance to recommend this author.
If you like the general idea of an author exploring what-if premise of people living (like how the Fallout vaults are given specific scenarios to live in), you might like Ted Chiang's short stories. For example, "Hell is the Absence of God" explores what life might be like if angels (heaven and hell) were real but come into societies like tornadoes or hurricanes due to their supernatural power (think tornado chasers). There's world building in it to realistically support the premise of the story (e.g. support groups for those affected) and is generally really thoughtful.
Again, very much a stretch to Fallout vaults, but really deserving of a read if you are more interested into exploring the realism in a world built around certain premises.
Yeah, I'm agreeing with you on that. I'm moreso stating this because it feels like people are talking past each other is all. An extra $5k for someone making $30k affects much more than someone making $80k regardless of top percenters.
They need little goggles. That's lab safety 101