I noticed the weird general compulsion of anglos to call someone king or queen without any reason, just as general praise, and it's especially hard to understand in case of USA where their loudly proclaim their "republicanism". Sounds like freudian slip so massive it got normalised in common language.
Keynesianism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all, if we just have those men political pawns pretty please impose some restrictions on their masters
It's because he have the deepest ties with atlanticist establishment out of all Poles. The word "comprador" is most fitting. And no, he's not really good diplomat, since he have honesty moments like the above.
Polish foreign minister
The same man who thanked USA for Nordstream sabotage.
Other than in vague sense in which Poles are citizens of EU, no, that's specifically came from the funds of IPN which Nawrocki is president, and IPN is financed from Polish budget. Entire IPN should also crash and burn since it's far right historical rewriting agency, and it's a den of PiS corruption, audits show around 25% of its budget is spend on suspicious things.
In the 3 years of the war we didn't seen any creation of the military industry in Europe, instead we did seen deindustrialisation in key countries like Germany and UK. Also their so called ally, US, actively supress them with energy prices and actions like Nordstream sabotage. Even the country which military expenditure risen the most, Poland, just buy weapons in Occupied Korea, with barely any effort of sustainability other than forking money. And all that even before we talk about corruption and wastage in governments and military industries.
Is that Bernie?
USA have absolutely abysmal records of upholding nuclear disarmament so IF it is even a serious proposition, the reason for it it's the quickly incoming time when Minutemen missiles will have to be decomissioned while its replacement is so much overbudget and overtime that it seriously risk scrapping of entire project. Meaning the perspective USA will lose main part of its strategic armament is real.
Also you never, ever trust USA on any nuclear deals.
Wake me up when any party in USA is held properly accountable for all the crimes against humanity they commit.
What a fucking great deal!
Somehow it's always like that when some country get to serve as US proxy.
Also supported mass murders in Indonesia.
Libs will call August Landmesser a hero for not wanting to die for original fuhrer but Bobr a Russian bot for not wanting to die for the current fuhrer. Always against every war except the current one.