Yeah…if you invite people to your birthday do you pay for the whole trip or they pay for their own and get to tag along and be in the queens orbit 🤣.
I feel like they are all already down low hating on each other. Not tagging each other in pics, picking their buddies, excluding others. Sarah’s sister did not want to be in her stories that was very obvious. Do you think Sarah drafted NDAs for this trip?
I bet she’ll make a speech about being in the moment and forgetting about their career jobs to just be children again while at Disney to limit the possible candids. I’m sure she hired a photographer and she’ll control what photos are shared. She lives such a sad life!
She’s sharing less filtered/edited photos of herself before her trip where we might see more candid photos of her. She always does this before trips/events where people might see the stark difference between what she posts and unedited photos. She’s very calculated.
Sarah is a LASY parent! She lets L do what ever keeps her silent and entertained so she can stare at herself in her phone while sitting on her ass.
🤣 Sometimes this is the snark we all need!!!
Miss rich and famous begging for freebies again 🙄
This moron talking about saving money making useless loot bags for her bday trip. Any money she spends on those bags is a waste. No one cares if she chose not to spend 200$ vs 20$. This weekend is going to be the grossest!
It’s going to be fun to see other accounts blow up because of the tic tok ban and Sarah stay the same( 🤞🏻). Tic Tok wasn’t interested in her - she tried to grow but flopped.
She’s Sarahsplaining how frugal she is with L’s party planning. So many words so little substance as per usual. Who the F gets nervous about throwing a kids birthday party? She’s saying she’s nervous about how the party is going to come together. L got to watch TV for her calendar birthday treat so I can’t imagine she has big expectations for her lazy ass mother (if 4 year olds have expectations 🙂). What miss shallow is nervous about is if her influencer friend guests will praise her. She says such stupid crap. She has no confidence what so ever. She has to prove she’s not spending on her kids party cuz she wants people to like her but she keeps lying about her appearance and lives a purely wasteful lifestyle. Spend the money on L - who cares?!
NB got invited to Sarah 40th BDay trip to Disney, Sarah is the gift. Sarah does the least for everyone. She does the bdays for L but I’m sure that’s mostly for content!
I think Nana told sister she had to go!!!!