She was hanging out with a writer instead, always prioritizing herself. It was the woman who wrote the Christmas movie Lindsey Lohan was in. It makes me feel sick that she’s digging her way into sweet little movies that make us smile. She’s such a jerk.
She getting lean again and the influencers getting ahead of her are tic tok based (not sure what the ban will mean for influencers) - her ego is getting even bigger - she brags now!
All these influencers not posting because of the horrible fires in LA is interesting. They aren’t posting because they know sharing their content (it should be called emptiness) is garbage with something so heart breaking happening. But….its always been garbage, anyone that adds value into the world hasn’t gone dark for the past few days. Nurses are still showing up, teachers, fire fighters, public officials, construction workers, news outlets, cooks, clothing stores….this list could go on & on, you get it…we are still doing our jobs because they add something into our communities. Sarah - just empty, blank.
I will always maintain that her entire family breath a sigh of relief when she goes to the airport!
Imagine a naked photo shoot (just assuming cuz that’s her thing) being so important that she needed to travel and risk any delay that would keep you from your 4 year olds birthday.
I’m sure super Sarah gets her own private school tour and registration 🙄.
You guessed correctly! No surprise - her selfishness and stupidity are that predictable!
Did bird shit leave Shine?
Influencers are so stupid weird. Today our leading influencer is jumping on the bandwagon of decluttering and talking about how overwhelming it is. I guess if talking about wellness or weight loss is now taboo they have to make something up?! But they are all posting about it, like it’s on some kind of list.
Mrs authenticity - we have never seen this face before. Her filters and edits on instagram are major. I hope she gets a real life at 40 and leaves the rest of the world alone - she is so problematic.
It is very clear the she set a goal to be thin at 40. I don’t care if it’s weight loss drugs or starving herself or a healthy plan. She is a fraud to not talk about wanting to be thin. She just influenced multiple generations of woman feel that weight and anything goes living is the best choice. She’s evil.
She is a bratty child living in a woman’s body’s. the way she’s been alluding to some big sadness for engagement is so gross.
Shush an idiot - she 100% has talked about building her calendar and planning her big life many times. This isn’t new for her. People who tell little lies - tell big lies!