Like most buzzwords, gaslight has lost its meaning.
The trick is to do the hobbies for their own sake instead of using them as a means to an end.
Gaslighting is convincing someone that they perceived or remembered things incorrectly. That's a very specific kind of manipulation.
The silver lining here is that the world has gained an extremely compelling argument for regulations.
That was really weird.
Epics don't have to be huge. And stories don't need to be attached to epics in the first place.
An epic is just a way to organize features. There's no hard and fast rule for how many features are needed to form an epic.
I know it isn't easy because you're dealing with a wild animal but I feel like some distance here would have been good. I think the silhouette takes too much space for how little detail it has.
I experience this more on ios than on android.
Put yourself out there. People aren't going to find you while you're in your room
If the work is expected to make it into the deliverable product, then it should fall under a feature. Either add it to an existing feature or create a new one. I prefer the former because it results in less deceptive forecasts.
Methylphenidate always works. It's just a question of dosage lol
I find that it's good to ask questions that allow them to vent further.