Do you and the rest of the show's cast perform to live music or pre-recorded music?
Can I talk to it while I'm driving?
Their html is awful. They need to start over. This is bad.
On Firefox on a tablet, vertical is okay but often there's nothing outlined in the picture. In landscape the picture covers the top half of the buttons.
What is a holosun?
Hiw mother was born in Regina.
How did this work out for Hong Kong?
It's about the typeface. Back in the day of manual or electric typewriters, we had monospace fonts, meaning that every character had the same width. A lowercase "i" got the same horizontal width as an uppercase "M".
Now we have word processors and proportional fonts, and the spacing after a period is built into the typeface.
One space after a period is correct, unless you are using Courier (or similar).
Hated everything about it. Predictable all the way through the big reveal at the end. I don't understand the appeal.
Do these people have any idea how embarrassingly stupid they look?
I had one!
I have a handheld analog radio scanner. Once upon a time it was fun to listen to local police frequencies, air traffic control, cell phones and cordless phones and so on.
Everything is digital now, except for the air traffic control so once in a blue moon I might listen to that.
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