Liberals are making your cars transgender! Get rid of all transmissions, it's the devils machine!
Oh, they stopped laughing. Now they're taking THE US seriously. First time around Trump was a laughing stock but now he's a threat.
That's exactly what they did to my wife last year.
Hey now the mario soundtrack is a banger
I was actually just reading a book a couple months ago, Blasphemy Online where the US fell apart and and several new countries formed after the US fell and Cascadia WAS one of the countries... so that's neat I guess.
Pretty sure it's the badge
No. No it wasn't. At all. Literally a simple Google search will show you it is satire. In fact it started off as a segment ON the daily show.
Haha. Satire is you pretending to do a thing seriously to show how ridiculous it is. That's exactly what Colbert was doing.
Their goal is to brand all trans and gay people as pedophiles so they can justify killing LGBT people
I couldn't get the xbox version to run emulated. It was all black, none of the graphics loaded. But i did get the ps3 version working.
Difference between being a fan of mythology and a fan of the history