
joined 2 years ago

The federal government must prioritize speed over micromanagement


Housing affordability one of the main issues as cabinet meets for three days in P.E.I.


Ed via Instagram:

Hello all! I'm thrilled to announce the next stage of my career and the commencement of my independent practice as an associate therapist. I provide virtual and in-person counseling for adults and teenagers in Los Feliz. If you know anyone seeking a therapist in California, please don't hesitate to share my contact details. My psychology today profile is linked up in my bio, or you can reach me via my supervisor’s website Thank you all so much for your support!


The landlord claimed his parents didn’t move in as promised because the unit was “smelly”


BC Ferries confirmed the Coastal Renaissance has broken down and it will likely be “weeks, not days” before it is fixed and back in service.


Opinion: This Vancouver daycare's proposed expansion clearly would not have solved the massive child-care shortage. But its rejection doesn't bode well for the city's ability to make real progress


In hopes to deliver 250 mph rail service by midcentury, the Democrats in Washington’s congressional delegation are asking the federal government for $198 million to help plan a route between Vancouver, B.C.; Seattle; and Portland.

[–] RehRomano 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Sorry just as a followup to this: I made some comments in indieheads... but I notice it only shows my comments. If I access the community through, I see everyone else's comments.

What I see from What I see from

Any idea why?

[–] RehRomano 3 points 2 years ago

I liked it! Will probably take a few more listens to assess its standing in the catalog but plenty to love here.

[–] RehRomano 3 points 2 years ago (4 children)

This plan means COS has to pay out $80 million in severance to SPS, AND refuse the $150 million offer from the province. The stupidest timeline.

[–] RehRomano 1 points 2 years ago

I respect this album but personally it didn't resonate in the same way Bright Green Field did.

[–] RehRomano 3 points 2 years ago

In BC it's up to $1400 scaling with income!

[–] RehRomano 3 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Thanks for your help! Searching [email protected] still doesn't work for me but[email protected] does now work for me. Any followup on the wine one is greatly appreciated too!

[–] RehRomano 4 points 2 years ago (7 children)

New to lemmy as a previous redditor. I'm having a hell of a time trying to subscribe to other server's communities. For instance, if I search [email protected] on, nothing is found, having the same issue with [email protected]. How do I subscribe to these communities from a account? Thanks in advance for any help!

[–] RehRomano 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

hey I’m also having issues accessing this community from It doesn’t seem to appear in the search communities function. Any idea?

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