Omg I can’t stand her. I hate this smug face she makes
Her hair is fucking tragic and her stylist needs to be stripped of her license
I would actually PAY to see her grifter ass cancelled!!!
What skilled stylist would let their client wear such ratchet fried extensions?! For the love of god that colour is horrid
This is exactly it! She knows the poses to make her frame appear tiny
Like everything else 😂 fake hair, fake eyebrows, fake lips, botox, cheek filler, fake freckles, fake nails
I can’t 🥴🤣
She’s such an insufferable fucking brat. Piece of shit is too cold to play outside with her poor prison baby. God this woman and all her sheep 😒
You spelled every day activities wrong
Body positivity ladies! So let’s fill our lips with filler and Botox the hell out of our faces under the guise of “migraines” and let’s have ratchet fake horse hair extensions and let’s get our eyebrows tattooed on… am I missing anything?
Keep it up shitbird! You’ll be Darcey and Stacey in no time 👌🏼