We can surely cut more than just funding ;)
For the most part, but definitely not everyone. Many people lack awareness about where food comes from in general, not to mention basic food safety practices. It wouldn't surprise me if folks who mostly buy prepackaged produce and know little about farming would assume their produce is clean enough from the store.
This is not entirely true. E. coli can produce heat-stable enterotoxins that will still make you sick even after cooking/killing the microbe. Probably best to toss or at least wash them before using.
Edit: assuming they're from one of the listed brands and match the recall window.
I really hope we don't have to see this type of case go before the current SCOTUS.
Maybe he'll fuck off down his next k-hole permanently.
I'm sure you're aware, but that's pretty dangerous. You will most likely have pretty bad a neck injury if you get into a wreck. It might be worth upgrading the seat to one that fits you better.
Needs more grease!
You think this asshole is out laboring in the fields? Come the fuck on haha
I mean, I'm not saying it's not possible, but it seems like this could happen by Democrats not turning out to vote as much as their Republican counterparts in those areas.
Abbreviations are usually read the same way the word they're replacing are spoken. So, you're right! Nobody's saying "Calif."
I'm no expert, but wouldn't the tariff apply to the targeted good no matter which state it's finished in?