It is well overfunded, thats pretty good news, and this group has a lot of goodwill stored up from the game, but I backed the System Shock Remake from NightDive studios and after how disastrous that was, I couldn't possibly recommend anyone fund anything on Kickstarter anymore.
Got that Mental Health Improvement Bug lol
It will probably have even worse performance though.
As a fan of Morrowind, I don't want them to touch it for the same reason I don't want 343 er.... Excuse me... Halo Studios (literally changed their name entirely to try and reset bad reputation lol) to do a remake of Halo Combat Evolved. And for the same reason I dislike the Silent Hill 2 Remake.
They will try to "modernize" the game to make it appeal to "the wider modern audience," and that just means they will ruin it by completely changing it.
Morrowind is already pretty much perfect as it is, and literally only needs some minor tweaks to OpenMW and a graphical update to be improved. But they're going to think it means they need to touch literally everything; every dialogue box, every quest item placement, all of it. All that stuff that does not need to be changed at all.
I feel like something about this should be incredibly illegal, since it basically amounts to Tencent trying to sidestep every other investor in the company to gain total ownership of the valuable IPs.
I have the same annoyance with people calling Lunacid a "King's Field-like." Like, if anything Lunacid is closer to Shadow Tower, NOT King's Field. Even the music is what one would expect from a Shadow Tower soundtrack if the original game even had a soundtrack.
"You too."
Gonna have a lot of cheaters by going free to play. One of the biggest downsides of being a free to play game.
I have to massively disagree with your assessment of Short Message.
"The Silent Hill Phenomenon." Probably the worst idea Konami has had. Worse than Book of Memories, even.
"Classic PS2 Racing games like Midnight Club"
Wait until the author of this article finds out that Tokyo Extreme Racer actually existed like 5 years before the PS2 came out lol
Well, for one this only applies to Texas residents. So this doesn't really matter to anyone outside of Texas unless it spreads.
Additionally, while I can certainly see the potential for abuse (all laws and bills have this by the way), it seems to be good-intentioned in mostly being particular about the kind of depictions it is trying to prevent (including AI generated content). While one small part of the law could potentially be abused via misinterpretation, my counterpoint would be:
Explain why an animated cartoon needs a scene depicting child sexual abuse. Like, why is it important to the art of the animated work?
Its easy to understand with something like Perfect Blue (even though Mima is 21 and therefore not a minor so this wouldn't even apply), Goblin Slayer, or Kill la Kill, but there are other works that would be more rationalize.