Well that's the thing... Trump isn't here to make America better, just himself as he sees it. Tariffs don't hurt him, so he doesn't care.
Me too. And both my adult daughters and my ex did as well.
That was the last government. This one just wants to steal everything that isn't nailed down and do as much damage as possible in the meantime.
Or in other words, "If you send it to him, he might actually read it."
Most of them don't even know what they want. They're told what to think and simply can't process anything on their own. Argue with one and you'll be hard pressed to find an original thought, just regurgitations of what they've been told by fox news.
Hide the cleavage and look again.
Is it just me or does she look like Zuckerburg in a wig?
There is a gofundme for her legal expenses. https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-dr-borrenpohl-fight-for-the-first
He needs the ultimate flushie, where nobody lets him come back up for air.
He sounds a little crusty, like he couldn't rise for the occasion.
It's already started, It just isn't traditional war. It will be the same as how they took the states... through disinfo and pushing their stooges into power. (Pierre Polievere etc)
We are fighting a war against bullshit.