😑 sigh.
There's dozens of us.
Yeah Luke!! Cool dude
81 Suzuki has a dipstick. That's it.
Well... 2 plane crashes in 10 days on our own soil is pretty supportive of that idea I suppose.
Nah, academia?? I've worked there directly, it's far far from1:6 unless I'm misunderstanding you.
Yep. Not expecting much of this kaboom joke of a character as well. Luckily some of us are sentient.
Agreed, if linoleum is in fact what was meant I have no issue with it. But even in my own home as a young lad, salesman used "linoleum" repeatedly and they rolled out a huge stinking sheet of vinyl in my kitchen.
I'll never forget or forgive how horrible it wound up being.
Porque no los dos? 😂
Good puppet, thank you. Can you try to find more accurate sources for us? Thank you puppet.
Creation is always more difficult than destruction, and none of our society was built without some kind of need. Most people like to build with others. Some take advantage of that spirit and become leaders for the sake of leading. Only morons would simultaneously covet power and actively work against people's basic motivations.
I am working with others to actively fight should it come to that. But no matter what, we escaped the dark ages once, we'll do so again.
Word, I got really confused by that headline.