
joined 2 years ago
[–] 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

What are you going on about?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

The problem is: what else?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Oh trust me, it happens a lot even between native speakers, and it irks me too haha

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

From a quick search that didn't provide anything really insightful, it seems that at least in Italian the term has been used since the XIV century, so it's not photocopy related

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Wait, the resemblance thing is also used in other languages: "spitting image" in English, for example, and "copia sputata" in Italian. I'm actually wondering for the first time where it comes from, so maybe there's a reason for the Portuguese saying to be related to spit

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's literally a spectrograph

[–] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Why does this read like a list written by chatGPT?

[–] 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Italian here

We give a lot of shit to our train system (and rightly so) but it actually works quite well, in comparison to our European neighbours.

Bologna to Milano is a very nice line indeed

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I got that reference!

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I agree with you, but why would you make a calla and listen to music at the same time?

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I have the same surname as one of the most important composers in music history from the 1500-1600. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't a musician, and a composer specifically, myself.

Every people I've interacted with in my trade has made some remarks on it, and if someone searches "[name] composer" they obviously won't get to my music!


Stavo cercando degli zaini da viaggio, in grado di contenere roba per star fuori qualche giorno, ma anche esteticamente carini da poter essere usati tutti i giorni (ho comunque uno stile abbastanza utilitarista, quindi non ho problemi a portarmi in giro uno zaino grosso).

Su Amazon però trovo solo marche cinesone, SZLX, Homiee, Bagzy... che costano relativamente poco, quindi sono best seller, ma i materiali sono decisamente inferiori, e la durata nel tempo è sicuramente limitata.

Avete consigli, magari anche di marche italiane?


Hot pepper haul from my garden


I'm open to suggestions!


My character is a GOOlock, and I'd like to play with Shadowheart, Gale and Astarion as companions. I'll be open to future companions, like Halsin and Karlach, but I'd avoid Wyll (and possibly Lae'zel, but I could swap her in if necessary) in this playthrough.

What are their best build to syngerize between them? I'd keep their main class, but I'm open to suggestions about spells, abilities and build.


Stavo sperimentando con tecniche di Frippertronics e loop degradati nello stile di William Basinsky, quando nelle cuffie sento "miao".

Ovviamente ho subito iniziato a registrare la mia gatta, Ecate, che a gran voce reclamava che le aprissi la porta perché voleva uscire.

Il "Frippertronics" è una tecnica inventata da Terry Riley, importantissimo compositore minimalista, e così chiamata da Brian Eno, importantissimo compositore minimalista, in onore di Robert Fripp, importantissimo comp- no, chitarrista dei King Crimson. Consiste nell'utilizzare due registratori a nastro così da creare lunghissimi delay e fasce armoniche sovrapposte.

Il compositore minimalista William Basinksy ha utilizzato loop di vecchi nastri magnetici, lasciati riprodurre fino al disgregamento completo (disintegration loops).

Come si può notare, mi piace molto il minimalismo, e stavo sperimentando su come realizzare queste tecniche "in the box", cioè utilizzando plugin virtuali, tutto al pc e senza registratori a nastro (perché pesano e costano un sacco) in Reaper. Stay tuned for new releases!


Da secoli ho sempre richiesto un taglio "normale", cioè corto ai lati e dietro, e leggermente più lungo sopra. Però è veramente noioso lol, le donne hanno molte più possibilità per farsi belle, da quel punto di vista.

Io ho i capelli boccolosi che fanno il cespuglio se lasciati crescere (quindi poco estetico e soprattutto molto caldo), e al momento ho una treccina da 25cm stile padawan dietro l'orecchio sinistro.

Idee? Consigli? Cose strane da provare?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/
  • Che pizza prendete di solito?
  • La tagliate in 4, 6, 8 fette? La piegate a portafoglio? La tagliate con coltello e forchetta o forbici?
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It says "value of java.lang.String cannot be convert..." and then it cuts off.

It mainly happens with pictures I took with my camera, or I already had on my phone. Case in point, I can upload the frog but not my cats.


cross-posted from:

I'm currently using a second hand GTX1050ti (Yeah, I know lmao), and the next big games I really want to play are Baldur's gate 3 and Starfield.

My other specs are quite beefy, since this is also my work computer: Ryzen 9 5900X 64GB RAM ddr4

My monitor has a 1080p resolution, with a 60Hz refresh rate and I'm pretty happy gaming with that. Would an rx6700xt suffice? Is it overkill or just barely enough?



I'm currently using a second hand GTX1050ti (Yeah, I know lmao), and the next big games I really want to play are Baldur's gate 3 and Starfield.

My other specs are quite beefy, since this is also my work computer: Ryzen 9 5900X 64GB RAM ddr4

My monitor has a 1080p resolution, with a 60Hz refresh rate and I'm pretty happy gaming with that. Would an rx6700xt suffice? Is it overkill or just barely enough?


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