
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Mmmm toastie. I had a cheese, pork and sauerkraut toastie today, what was on yours?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago

I have just worked out why I've been having trouble with the connection between my phone and headset. I've got my GPS unit on in the other room and it's trying to make a handsfree connection through that instead. Most of the introductory recorded message got played in another room, if it had been a real person they'd have hung up on me before I got it figured out.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I'm glad it's a nice day to dry washing, I have just picked up a bunch of sheets gifted through a buy nothing group and will have a couple of loads. There are a couple in there that have some great patterns on them. They've probably been sitting in the cupboard for years as the unwanted top sheet out of a set, finally their time has come!

Edit: a few of the sheets are pure polyester. They will not be making it to the bed and are going straight to the "other projects" pile

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago

I have been looking at an area of Ballarat on streetview, and as well as being 15 years out of date it appears the car covered a large area with a leaf stuck to the camera. Not helpful, Google.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

If they can save money on the main groceries there will be money free to buy lollies. It was very motivational for me.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Don't worry, they'll just transfer the workload to one of the few remaining staff they have left and let them handle it all for no extra pay. What could go wrong?!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Potato served three ways please.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You need to train them up so when they are old enough they can help instead of hinder the process. I was chief bargain spotter in our family, my sister and I took turns with exciting tasks like trolley return and of course we all worked to carry all the groceries in when we got home.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Oooh, good choice. Now I'm jealous.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Mr Woof is sad to yet again miss his afternoon walk. Reasons today: 50% too hot, 50% police helicopter hovering overhead and making me nervous. If it cools down another degree or two and the chopper goes away we might be able to head out a bit later.

Edit: both conditions were met and we have managed an evening walk.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Octopus on rice, with a side of jellyfish please.


University of Tasmania currently have a Certificate in Climate Change Action and Awareness, and a Certificate and Diploma in Sustainable Living available with a HECS waiver - meaning that if you are eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place you can enroll and they will waive the student contribution. The courses are fully online with no fixed times you need to be available, so are quite flexible to fit around other commitments.

I am halfway through the Diploma of Sustainable Living, and have also enrolled in the Certificate of Climate Change Action and Awareness for next year - there is an overlap of subjects, and the main climate change subjects are available in both. Many of the sustainable living subjects are practical and the assignements relate you your own situation and local area.

One of the subjects available in both courses is "Living with Fire" which I would highly recommend for anyone who could be effected by bushfires - as well as learning more about bushfires in general the final assignment is the creation of a personal fire plan.


University of Tasmania currently have a Certificate and Diploma in Sustainable Living available with a HECS waiver - meaning that if you are eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place you can enroll and they will waive the student contribution. The courses are fully online with no fixed times you need to be available, so are quite flexible to fit around other commitments.

Many of the courses are practical and the assignements relate you your own situation and local area. I am just finishing the Science of Gardening subjects, which has deepened my understanding of how plants grow and the interactions between different organisms in the garden. The assignments have included things like assessing the soil in my garden, and the final assignment is pulling together everything to create a comprehensive design plan for my own garden.

There are also subjects on sustainable housing and biodiversity, if you are interested in doing some study I highly recommend looking into this.


My zucchini produced a beautifully matched set of flowers yesterday morning.

The one on the left is female, the one on the right is male - you can tell the difference as the male has only a single stamen in the centre. You can also tell the difference if you look behind the flowers, the female has a tiny zucchini attaching it to the plant, the male has a normal stem.

If your baby zucchini are withering on the vine rather than growing you need to hand pollinate them. You can either pull off the male flower, remove the stamen and brush it onto the centre of the female flower or use a brush to transfer the pollen (the flowers wither soon anyway, so I just remove the flower).


I've certainly had plenty of these butterflies around my place. I'm hoping that there are enough predatory insects built up from snacking on my aphids that will cross over to butterfly larvae.


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I would like a place I can talk about the random happenings in my garden that don't justify a stand alone post. Exciting things like my tomato plant finally growing, or the sadness that my snow peas seem to be dying off prematurely.

Would anyone else like to share their gardening snippits? If there is enough interest I can set up a regularly weekly thread (@[email protected] I presume that will be ok?)

Pic is just for interest - this is the collection of gardening pictures I put together to illustrate my garden design goals for a recent assignment.


I've stocked up on antihistimines and have been using my Nasonex daily for a while, so hopefully won't be too badly affected.


A fascinating story and the art looks amazing. The exhibit is on at Hamilton Art Gallery until 29 October.


Sad news. I have been watching periodically and thought something was wrong when every time I looked over the last few days the nest was empty. I hoped I just had bad timing.

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