
joined 1 week ago
[–] 9 points 1 hour ago

I was raised in a rural area. The amount of friends I made in life after forty years Aside from a sibling, I don't have anyone to count on. I am also too poor to afford visiting bars or other social things, so I can't learn how to be around people, let alone establish ties. It is my belief that America's shitty economy is the source of these issues, because a person can't blossom if they don't have the fiscal agency to escape a tiny bubble.

The internet let me develop as a person, but that can only go so far. I can't afford risks, such as trying beer, an escort to lose my virginity, or travel. Poverty is a prison without walls.

[–] 9 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

I think it is because the wealthy have constantly reduced the wealth of the average American. Each individual has to spend more time working, for less pay. This deteriorates their mental and physical health, prevents socialization, saps energy, limits the amount of money, time, and travel they can spend on politics.

IMO, the "lazy" European gets about 95% of an American's work efficiency for the time spent, but are not nearly as damaged by their work/life ratio. This lets them have far greater agency in the politics of their land. If this continues, I think the assorted cultures of Europe will be far more documented in history than their American peer. The corrosion from beating the good life out of American workers, means that there is little incentive for Americans to want their culture to survive nor spread.

Current politics are partially driven by apathy, one born from the learned helplessness that life won't get any better. We will need French cutlery to be deployed, so that the blood of tyrants can water the tree of liberty. Just as with the French, I think America can recover from a dead end. Whether that happens...well, we will see within a decade.

Here's hoping the good guys destroy Dogey America, and replace it something that people can take pride in.

[–] 1 points 10 hours ago

May his weapon be hollowed thrice over.

[–] 0 points 10 hours ago

The one cold comfort I take away from this, is that the civil war against Dogey America would end faster than if the bastards were competent.

[–] 1 points 10 hours ago

I think we have the opposite going on here - the conservatives are breaking the system in such a way, that it must change. This is the big chance for a 3rd party to destroy the old guard, simply because the old guard is being incredibly dumb and greedy with their own overhaul.

It is simply a question of who can offer the better future. The wealthy dudes who are going to kill grandma by taking away her medicine and money, or the nice lady who wants granny to live a long and decent life?

[–] 2 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

The Avatar episode about No War in Ba Sing Se would fit in as well. Oh, and the opening episodes of the classic Battlestar Galactica - the Cylons attack when the opposition is gathered for a peace conference. We might relate if WW3 starts.

Battlestar 1978 - Saga of a Star World trailer

We probably should make a list of stuff for everybody to select and show for their respective libraries.

*Avatar: The Last Airbender, episode 14, "City of Walls and Secrets".

*Babylon 5: seasons 4 and 5 focus on the civil war with Earth. In one of the episodes, Sheriden asks incoming warships about what they are supposed to do when issued illegal orders. We could use a supercut of B5 that is solely concerned with the civil war, since the series is filled with many unrelated plot threads.

On that note, Mac's Lore did an episode that summarizes the civil war.

The Secession of Babylon 5

*V: An alien invasion, in which the aliens literally wear human skin to make themselves appear normal. Aside from eating mice and things, they institute fascism. The series is all about forming a resistance against them. There is also a reboot of V, but I don't recall which series got to their conclusion.

[–] 0 points 12 hours ago

Progressives should support a boar hunting program, along with offering assistance for moving, dismantling, and inspecting game. People who learn how to hunt, know how to shoot. That might be a very valuable skill in the times ahead.

We kill two boars with one bullet.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago

Personally, I would like a Japanese karoke-style room system for the theater. Sit back, relax, and watch the video in peace. Order snacks and drinks for delivery, and maybe snuggle up with your partner. No children, just you and a time away from life.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Unfortunately, the Traitor in Chief really likes Hitler and enjoys giving Putin a reacharound. I don't like our odds for having peace.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Considering the shadow fleet, attempted assassinations, and assorted sabotage Russia has committed against the EU, I think a formal declaration of war would be warranted. The longer that Putin and Russia is allowed to live, the more likely that the US and Russia would spit roast Europe.

It is best to kill Russia before the United States formally declares war against the EU.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Wise is definitely on my radar. I will go for it. Also, I should get my passport if I can. Who knows what kinds of interesting times we will live in?

[–] 7 points 2 days ago

I guess he will hang up curtains in the market aisles, so that people don't know that they are bare at a glance.

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