
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (1 children)

I think that panspermia is the most likely hypothesis to be eventually proven correct.

According to this hypothesis, very simple "living" structures can be found throughout space, scattered around planets, meteorites, and perhaps even in space dust. This dust can be thought of as fungal spores. When they land in a planet with suitable conditions, these systems can evolve into more complex life forms.

The alternatives to panspermia generally imply that Earth is a super special planet in which certain special conditions conspired at a point in time to allow an extremely unlikely event to happen. Panspermia suggests that, instead of a being a statistical anomaly, life is probably rather common throughout the universe.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Woops. Thanks! I have modified it to point at the HTML page instead of the PDF:


Abstract: Miniaturization of mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy sources has progressed signifi- cantly during the past two decades, but a solution able to provide full integration, high optical power and wide tuneability in the so-called atmospheric window (2.5 - 5 μm) is still missing. In this context, we investigated a broadband frequency-tuneable source relying on difference frequency generation (DFG) in a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) ridge waveguide. By employing tuneable lasers for the pump and signal wavelengths emitting at around 1 μm and 1.55 μm, respectively, we were able to fully cover the ≈ 3 - 3.5 μm spectrum, thus translating the technological maturity of data communication photonic sources to the MIR wavelength band.

Moreover, the use of a relatively large cross-section for the here proposed PPLN ridge waveguide compared to commonly employed thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) waveguides has allowed us to achieve low propagation and coupling losses together with high damage threshold, thereby allowing us to reach mW-level power in the MIR wavelength band.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

I don't have any recommendations, unfortunately. But this is very interesting! I have gotten into software-defined radio recently and radio astronomy seems like a good direction to continue learning. Hopefully someone has some good advice.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

An instance for nature and science related content. It is intended to be an instance to share photos of nature, scientific articles, ask about plants, science-related hobbies, etc. I make some effort to avoid politics and charged topics, although some small amount is tolerated, mostly because it is difficult to always enforce this without being too aggressive with moderation.

Here is the side bar:

An instance dedicated to nature and science.

We follow Lemmy’s code of conduct.

Please be respectful to each other.

The main focus of this instance is the natural sciences, and the scope encompasses all of the STEM fields.

Please keep politics to a minimum. When science is the focus, intersection with politics may be tolerated as long as the discussion is constructive and science remains the focus. As a general rule, political content posted directly to the instance’s local communities is discouraged and may be removed. You can of course engage in political discussions in non-local communities.

As a member of the fediverse, you can create your account here and interact with any other federated community!

To find communities all over the Lemmyverse you can use a community browser such as:

To fetch a community, simply copy and paste the community’s URL into the search box in Mander.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Hey! Thanks a lot for offering help with this, and I am happy to hear that you like it here :D

Financially: At the moment I am paying approximately ~$60 per month for the instance, which is an amount that I am more than happy to contribute to the fediverse in addition to donations to the dev team. If you have the means and want to contribute, my suggestion is to donate directly to the development:

As for other kinds of help: Moderating a community (or communities) is a lot of help. Users are free to create their own communities or can reach out to me and I can make them a moderator in any of the communities I moderate 🙂

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Nice idea! Hello!

At some point I was looking into whether I could add a simple IRC-like web client and point at it, just as an exercise if anything.

I found an open source web client called "The Lounge" ( I was looking into how to host it in a way that the same authentication could be shared between and, but it is became one of those unfinished projects. If there is some interest I could give it a try again.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

A masive hug back to you! Thank you for being such an amazing contributor and bringing lots of laughs and memes to share.

I was no aware of the magnitude of your chronic pain issues! I am happy to learn you are feeling better, and best of luck finding some very cool insects while touching that grass 😄

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: The issue appears to have been some intermittent problem and it was solved (perhaps by chance) a few minutes after contacting support.

I woke up this morning to find out that the images are not accessible through the site.

This seems to be an issue on the side of the object storage provider, as the "bucket" is not accessible through the provider's web portal. I have reached out to them to hopefully sort this out ASAP.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Ooooh, fascinating!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Since the early 2000s there has existed the meme that “DOOM can run on anything”. Whether it be an ATM or a calculator, someone at some point has recompiled DOOM to run on it. Now the quantum computer finally joins the list. More specifically, this project represents the first level of DOOM loosely rewritten using Hadamards and Toffolis which, despite being a universal gate set, has been designed in such a way that it’s classically simulable, able to reach 10-20 frames per second on a laptop. The circuit uses 72,376 total qubits and at least 80 million gates, thus it may have use as a benchmark for quantum simulation software.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

If they can send me over the second half of my thesis I would appreciate it enormously! 😀

The analytics tools that I am personally uncomfortable with involve dynamic, changing forms of data. I run GPSLogger on my phone (without a SIM card) and continuously log the GPS data to a text file. This data is then synced to my computer when WiFi is available. I can display this data on a map using gpx-viewer, and show very detailed tracking data of myself.

I have explored this map with some friends/family. They get to see a time-stamped movie of my life - my trips to work, to the shop, when I go out, if I go on a trip, etc. The data displayed in this manner is somewhat intimate, personal information. Anyone I have shown this to has said that they would not be so comfortable with such a map of their lives existing... Well, if they are carrying a active phone with a SIM card, it does.

To think that a company like Google can own such a map for a very large number of people makes me uncomfortable. On top of that, each of those map trajectories can be associated with an individual and their personality... They have the ability to pick out specific trajectories on the basis of the political ideologies or shopping behaviors of the personas behind them. This is extreme. I am of the opinion that the convenience afforded by a these technologies does not justify the allocation of that super-power to the companies that enable the technology.

A few years ago Facebook enabled a "Graph search" feature. This allowed users to create search queries such as"Friends of friends of X who like the page "X" and went to school near Z". That tool seemed super cool on the surface, but it quickly became obvious how something like that could be easily exploited. Later on in Snowden's book I learned about XKeyscore from the NSA, which is like an extra-powerful no-consent-needed graph search that is available to some people. This is not just targeted ads.

I guess that what I am trying to convey is... For me, making the privacy-conscious choice is about not contributing to the ecosystem of very concrete tools that give super-powers to groups of people that may not have my best interest in mind. In my mind it is something very tangible and concrete, and I find many of those convenience tradeoffs to be clearly worth it.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

These past few days I have been learning about bootloaders, kernels, assembly, and general OS stuff. In that process I stumbled upon your project of Redox OS.

I like the concept of the more modular micro-kernel architecture. Using Rust seems like the right choice if one were to start an OS from scratch today.

Very cool stuff. I'll use your project as my reference as I continue to learn. Happy to find you in Lemmy! Just wanted to stop by to give you a thumbs up 👍

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I don't think I would be able to identify them, sorry.

Some specific information could help. The breaking veil of a young specimen showing the web-like cortina of Cortniarius (like in the first image here) would suggest that genus.

I think that the spore print you have shown rules out Tubaria.

A photo of the spores taken with a microscope could help definitely rule out Psilocybe. However, confirming definitely Psilocybe would still be difficult from the spores. If any of the specimens would show some blue bruising that would be a very strong argument for Psilocybe.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Very interesting list! I am especially curious about Matt Brown's videos. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Fresh from the Farm Fungi - he is a mushroom farmer from Colorado. He has a ton of valuable information on growing mushrooms and running a business. He also has a few series of videos on very interesting experiments such as growing boletus, morelles, and cordyceps.

Microbehunter - he is a biology teacher that runs a microscope channel. His videos are very useful for learning the basics of microscopy.

Huygen Optics - I'm not sure about this guy's background. He worked in R&D for Phillips in the 90s and he knows a lot about optics and chemistry, but I don't know much more. He has built some equipment in has garage for sputtering metals on surfaces and has some pretty cool videos.

MissOrchidGirl - she is more popular than the others. She has great info about caring for orchids and a fantastic orchid collection.

Ben Felix - he is a portfolio manager with very solid financial advice. He supports his claims with research articles.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Purpose & Motivation:

The Thought Forge was created as a space for exploring unconventional and fringe ideas that may not be well-received in mainstream science communities. Many of the most innovative and boundary-pushing concepts in history started as ideas that were dismissed or challenged by the prevailing scientific consensus.

This space is for people who are interested in discussing, developing, and testing ideas that may seem radical, speculative, or contrary to current scientific understanding. However, it's important to note that the purpose of this space is not to affirm or validate these ideas as truth. We are here to critique, question, and refine ideas, not to claim they are correct or proven.

What We Are (and Aren't):

Not an Echo Chamber: While we welcome unconventional ideas, this is not a space for reinforcing beliefs without critique or exploring ideas in a vacuum. Our focus is on constructive discussion and critical thinking, not confirmation bias.

Constructive Criticism: All ideas, whether wildly speculative or just outside the mainstream, are open to respectful and constructive critique. Here, we refine ideas through rational discussion and evidence-based reasoning.

Safe but Grounded: This is a safe space to experiment with ideas, but it’s also one where evidence and reasoning matter. We encourage exploration but expect that ideas be tested with logic and, when possible, scientific principles.

The Goal:

The Thought Forge is here to foster exploration and growth. If you have ideas that fall outside of mainstream science, we encourage you to present them—but expect feedback that challenges your ideas and pushes you to refine them. Our goal is to explore ideas, refine them, and evaluate them critically—not to validate them without question.

A Few Guidelines:

Respectful Dialogue: Challenge ideas, not people. Disagreeing is fine, but do so with respect and constructive feedback.

Back Your Ideas: Whenever possible, provide reasoning or evidence to support your ideas.

No Harmful Content: We do not tolerate ideas that could harm others or spread misinformation.

Growth-Oriented: Be prepared to evolve your thinking based on feedback. The goal is to refine and improve your ideas.

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