I wish I could find a TV for sale that isn't a Smart TV. It's not necessary and you get issues like this down the road. I'm sure it isn't too long until the other TV manufactures do the same thing.
Genuine question, and I don't mean any disrespect, if down votes are intended to mean people disagree with you, and you don't know these people, why did you care so much that you won't share your opinion on things again? I've never understood this way of thinking. Maybe I'm just weird but I for the life of me can't imagine caring that much about what strangers think.
I have a friend that complains constantly about Twitter, how its going downhill and he doesn't agree with what their doing and all that. Yet, he insists on using it everyday. I've suggested Mastodon and he said that "everyone is on Twitter" and then complains about it. Couldn't believe that I deleted my Twitter account without a second thought.
People are strange.
Not at all. Honestly getting rid of Twitter and Reddit has given me more free time that I didn't realize I was wasting constantly scrolling. There's less to see on Mastodon and Lemmy so I usually just run through it in the morning on my way to work and a bit at night if I'm bored (like right now.) I've gotten back into reading books a lot more and getting off the computer for a lot longer.
Honestly getting rid of Twitter and Reddit has improved my life if anything.
I only restart for kernel updates. I put my PC to sleep when I'm not using it.