@Letstakealook Ok.
Vegan is for the animals. Not for you. It's a nice goodie that we can have health benefits but that's not the goal or the reason for being vegan
@Letstakealook Ok.
Vegan is for the animals. Not for you. It's a nice goodie that we can have health benefits but that's not the goal or the reason for being vegan
@Letstakealook exactly.
Vegan: Lifestyle which tries to avoid as much animal exploitation as possible
@Sunshine Most UPF is for omnivors. Without processed foods nobody would need supermarkets.
Still vegan is better for the animals (including those who eat vegan)
@duckweed @vegan it's nearly the same. Never had Just Egg because it's not yet available in Germany. But we have other substitutes.
Oil is necessary to provide sticking to the pan. Spatula is recommended to safe the pan from scratches. If you have a good non-stick pan you may need only a little bit oil. If your pan is 'scratch-resistant' there's no need for a spatula.
If you don't stir you just get an Omelette.
It takes 5-7 minutes to cook it entirely.
@Sinthoras39 so ungefähr, ja. Privat können alle frei entscheiden, Taufe aber erst volljährig & in der Schule Ethik & Aufklärung
@gapbetweenus nochmal die Frage: wieso hungern Menschen? Und wieso müssen sie für Abhilfe mit ner Predigt oä leben?
@Rodneyck vegan will survive. With or without this brand