Oh the 3rd picture it's highly filtered. Look at her eyes...they aren't human at all lol
joined 7 months ago
I wonder when? Can Botox lift eyelids? I have hooded lids but I like them. They make me....me! LOL
Omg!!!!!!! She posted that 3rd picture???? Wtf is happening with her eyeballs lmao That's hilarious!!! She's so cringey
Oh and wtf is that on the side of her mouth???...looks terrible
Holy filler migration batman lol
Do people respond excited to help this loser out? I can't even fathom that.
Wow...you put on green. Lol. What a loser to put out this content and call yourself an influencer..
And look how low those eyebrows are....
Lmfao it's eating the blanket!
That necklace looks ridiculous with that yellow bra.
I couldn't have that on my body.
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Literally the worst!