
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'd like to just start with having to send a check every two weeks instead of allowing them to just deduct it.

Make people physically pay their tax, that's how you get engagement. And they know that, which is why it's NOT like that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Not only that but say I run a bakery, why should I have to devote a crazy amount of time learning medical insurance speak? That's time that I should be spending thinking of new things I can sell. That's the whole point behind specialization. I don't give two-girls-one-cup shits about the ins and outs of ANY insurance policy. I buy what I need and I need it to work when I need it. My interests begins and ends there. and that's a REASONABLE position to take.

Why are we allowing ourselves to be extorted by medical insurance muckbangs?

The whole industry deserves doxxing and relentless public shaming. I'm not advocating violence. Like protesting outside assistant mid-managers houses. If identities got stolen and credit scores ruined...well, I'm not condoning it but I'm not gonna lose sleep over it either. Make the whole industry undesirable to work in.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Reagan, Thatcher

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Self regulating, LMAO.

Ever heard of the term 'capital strike'?

You won't hear about it in the news, I wonder why?

The people today are at the end of a 4 decades long capital strike, and it doesnt look like its abetting, in fact, it's looks like the slave owners are doubling down throwing inflation into the mix.

Inflation, is a tool not an outcome. It's used to cudgel the poors back into complacency. Reduce their purchasing power, increase levels of despair.

Do you think I'm wrong about that? You might be thinking of the old version of the game. There's been an update, it just didn't get many headlines in the papers. Look up Modern Monetary Theory. I mean, why have the largest armed forces and a fiat currency if you aren't willing to leverage them to get what you're donors want?. Do you even capitalism bro?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

Life expectancy is going down cuz suicide rates are shooting up. Like suburban boys with shopping malls, their classrooms and/or heroin/fent

Fuuuuck. Nailed it, I'm fucking kiiiiiiiiilling it today. Ziiiing!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

It's just THAT expensive. An ambulance is 2-3k minimum. Just for showing up. Going to an ER, talking to reception and then giving up and leaving? That'll be a $1200 bill, to NOT see a doctor.

I don't even know the line where I would voluntarily to go the hospital, knowing it's sacrificing the next 10-20 years of all my extra income. Would it be when I put my thumb thru a grinding disc on my angle grinder, cutting it clean in two right thru the entire nail?

Naw, hell no. I would have cut my thumb tip off with a chef's knife and cauterized It if I thought it wouldn't heal on its own, rather than spend an app $15,000 I don't have. Took about 10 weeks to heal.

I know how to fight off an abscess tooth without antibiotics. It takes about 8 days, of constant stabbing, arching your back pain. Ive broken knuckles just to have a different pain to focus on. No one should know how to do this in 2024. Abscess teeth kill. Kennewick Man, y'know, the Popsicle? That's what killed him. My story isn't unique, America is a third world country with iPhones. Don't visit. I wish the world would boycott every American company until we learn how to have a civil society.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (1 children)

We WANT too. Gun control, Medicare for all, and SS all have majority support for reform, across the parties. Broad support. Multiple studies have shown that public opinion has ZERO effect on legislation getting passed. Our oligarchy doesn't give three shits to the wind about actual Americans. I've never met a group of people who, clearly, hate almost everyone they see. At the end of the balance sheet, actions speak louder, and the group most responsible for pain, suffering and loss of quality American years lived are the 1%. Their renumeration of revolutionary inequality is simultaneously equal amounts astonishing and disgusting.

If I wrote out a synopsis of the economy today and somehow got it back to my WW2/Korea vet grandfather he would've thought the USSR won the cold war.

His last words to me, i had asked him about WW2, and said I wanted to join the military like him - I liked my grandad better than my parents - and he told me "you don't join the military. I fought so you and your siblings don't have too" and then he made me promise that I'd go to college instead.

I did as he asked tho looking around now, I feel like no matter what I do, war is gonna find me.

Which if we're being brutally honest, would be a return to the norm. Historically war touches everyone's life. We're blessed to live under the Pax Americana, but greed has rotted out the essence at its core and when the last leg falls...ever seen that movie Miracle Mile? You should watch it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I read all that and honestly, that all sounds exactly like what I would assume an early- mid 20s relationship burdened under existential nihilism coupled with that numbing pervasiveness that hollows you out after losing your staring contest with the absurd, and the ideations that our ennui naturally exude.

It's easy to look back over years and pencil it in neatly, plot holes filled, from our privileged advantage in time. Life, as we know, if weve lived a sufficient amount of it, is never as linear as our stories, nor as intentional, and providence and luck benefit us each more than we admit, even to ourselves. We embellish our own story - to ourselves. It's too easy to retcon stories in a bad light, fucking creative industries are devoted to that entire genre, but it's way to easy to think, gee exurb1a's smart and think it's all premeditated and working to a point and in that light that's all really fucked up. Idk man. I think we all can look back a decade and find ourselves cringe, I imagine these two kids are no different.

Parallel to that you could see how maybe guys having some fun running with an idea with this gal. Maybe he set up some synchronicities, people do plan surprises don't they? That's still a thing right? I think it's entirely plausible it's a series of happenstances she's rewriting as if theres some davinci code Roseline thru it all. I think it's entirely plausible that exurb1a was shooting from the hip the whole time, while talking about the heavy shit that goes thru his mind. And your mind, and mine, cuz if you know of him, you also know what entails the ennui.

I mean, youve listened to his essays, and you're...surprised...that his life is chaotic and messy too? Like.. you didn't see this coming? Maybe his next video should be about making apples from applesauce.

Y'know, nowhere did I see her take any personal responsibility. It was her trip to a psych ward because of him, not her lack of critical thinking or ability to put space between them? Idk man, eschewing agency doesnt absolve yourself accountability and it sure as shit doesn't lend your credibility.

I've read her side and I'm not convinced, I still have questions, things just aren't adding up to me. A couple screenshots of text (that totally can't be faked right?) isn't what I would call bringing receipts. Im reserving judgement until I see his response, assuming he responds in public, y'know since that's where she brought her accusations. Until we hear both sides, it's all hearsay anyways. In reality, we don't know shit about either one of these people, whether theyre good people or not or whatever. Maybe she's trying to go all Amber Heard on him, how the fuck would we be able to discern otherwise?

Yea, I think reserving judgement is prudent. And if the reality doesn't come to light? Well, oh well. It's not our business to begin with.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (1 children)

And in 2020 they got bailed out by a billionaire cuz they came into peak punditry season completely, embarrassingly fucking broke.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The WEF made adopting a global CBDC a top priority last year. Tied to your identity no less.

Which would mean a digital profile, for everyone, around the world.

Nothing to worry about with all that, right? Cuz those holding the reins of power today have proven themselves defenders of humanity and decency as a whole, correct?

A one world global currency that's under thumb of big brother to keep people in line? just kill me now, id devote every second of existence to launching and detonating an EMP over the entire planet then. No one should have that kind of control over anyone, let alone the entire world.

Dystopia within dystopias. We're going even darker inception here people!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Bro, just date the strippers.

Trust me, in a life full of regrets, that's not breaking the top 10. You have no obligation to anyone or anything to suffer yourself. There's no Opus Dei-ing your way to a better credit score.

Take your wins where you find them, and fuck what other people think, for fucks sake, it's your life. It's like if you're finding token A* brings you happiness but you've been taught that Token A* is bad cuz cuz and everyone you know thinks the are taking someone else's decision for your own in direct defiance of your own lives experience.

Do what you got to do to be happy, and do it unapologetically. Do it on the low or be the face that bucks the trend, who gives a shit? That's all stuff outside your control, so not worth your attention anyways.

If dating strippers makes you happy then embrace it. Personally, for me, I run contrary to societies idea of sluttiness, I love it. To me its women embracing their sexuality, exploring their power thru sex appeal and sensualness and expressing their independence with total control of their bodily autonomy. It appeals to me because I like strong independent women. I don't want to forever woo or charm a women or have her dependent on me. I want partners in life, not parasites. I want to be her choice; but with that they have to be free to leave whenever they want. If we decide to both forever woo each other, that's a completely different conscious choice.

With strippers; they got a dancers body, got $, got rhythm, presumably looks good naked, and independent enough to either not care what other people think or can compartmentalize it away? Sounds fucking fantastic to me.

Like I don't understand why people care so much about what other people think. Have you ever met people? Dude, they're the fucking wooorst.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

2 full-time, educated workers in their prime today don't make enough time equal the spending power of just one of their grandfather's. This literally extends to the 99 percentile.

There is no middle class.

Middle class is not and was never the "class" in the middle, it was the embodiment of the American dream. 2 cars a garage, if you save, a vacation home. Kids. Hobbies. Retirement.

They're trying to rewrite that word too.

Neoliberalism is the greatest con-job to ever exist. we've been robbed of more than we'll likely ever have.

The only way I know to strike back is to abandon the dollar. If we can collectively collapse the dollar, then everyone's the same amount of broke. No money means no law enforcement, means no debt records. If we're gonna end up in poverty might as well make sure we all sink together. Community spirit and all that.

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