
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Being a parent myself, EVERY action I take is screened thru the thought of "how does this effect my kids? What kind of world does this make for them? What example am I being?"

I CANNOT comprehend parenting without said thoughts.

To me, that's the kind of person who should've never had children

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 months ago

Ahhh, my favorite euphemism for 'fuck the poors'

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yet they want a blanket ban, and once concentration camps are up and we're officially beyond the pale...and anything not that same shade of pale finds itself in those camps...I don't think people are gonna want to emigrate here or any of the five eyes.

Letting the bankers take the wheel in the 80s has cannibalized the health of all Western society and commodified whatever was left.

We were told to worship no one other than God/the source/the creator/the allfather/the universe/the truth/whatever you want to call it...but all I see is worship of another invisible diety, this invisible hand of the market - easily the most worshipped god in the modern day. Capitalism is incapable of bringing about salvation, unless you believe in accelerationism, and then everyone participating is gonna be found wanting.

Like, capitalism has failed to even create a society where it's own people want to breed in. Something so easy for us and we would rather throw it all away, myself included. For comparison, Mozart had 11 children. 2 survived into adulthood.

[–] [email protected] 47 points 3 months ago (5 children)

With an exception carved out for Tesla, I'm sure.

In the same vein, all the techbros who voted for Trump are gonna be real asshurt once immigration exemptions are made for tech workers

Like silicon valley is gonna be forced to pay market rate for American talent, pffh, c'mon now. Wages are like prices but the opposite. Prices always go up and never back down. Wages always come down and never go back up. Tech workers enshittification will commence at triple pace now

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Yep, neo-liberalism, the bankers society.

Remember that when you need to focus your anger somewhere, or if you're terminal and want to take some of the trash out with you. It's their fault; evidences by which professions are rewarded - almost none of which are necessary for society, or people in general, to thrive.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

And he sold off a list of our spies.

And id bet he sold our nuclear secrets to the Saudi's.

And fucking Goya beans, from the desk in the oval office

Just a skeeze all around. One big fucking mook.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Its not actually, I just said in the end, she had to produce and she didn't. I blame the media the most, but they're just the propaganda arm of the oligarchy.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Buddy, I don't disagree with you, I actually vehemently agree with most everything here BUT you still gotta beat the spread. You got to play the game better than the refs. All the nuance in the world doesn't matter, you still gotta deliver and Harris didn't.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago

At the start of COVID, besides stealing supplies from "blue" cities, under gunpoint right off the docks, Trump sent 3 testing machines to Putin. When we ALREADY didn't have enough.

He delayed doing anything about it, publically saying, paraphrasing, "it seems like a problem for the blue cities" and didn't lift a finger until people in the south started dropping like flies

Over average deaths during that time frame are an order of magnitude higher than the actual reported COVID numbers - That is the only metric that matters. And beyond not helping Americans, he actively stifled help from reaching us

No SINGLE person in our history is responsible for as many deaths as Trump is, due to his hindering relief. He is the biggest killer of Americans the world has ever seen. Putin definitely got his money's worth.

And he sold our nuclear tech to the Saudi's. Wtf else would Kuschner have received 2Billion USD for?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Of course they do.

Look, womens lib in the 60s was a fucking GODSEND to the owner class. Seemingly overnight the workforce doubled in size and productivity exploded! If you Google a picture of pay v productivity, wealth inequality, and size of the workforce you'll notice that they all deviate in the late 60s early 70s; roughly 68-71.

Basic economics, supply and demand. The supply of workers just ballooned, but the demand for it, oh no, all the owners had to do was not build that last factory that would've allowed full employment. Extra workers keeps wages down. Immigration keeps wages down, same unadulterated logic, irregardless of the whatever the Democrats or CNN spit at you. "it's an overall benefit for society to have a ton of immigration...cuz it keeps wages down and all the money flowing to the top. Shut down immigration and businesses would have to compete for talent again (but we don't have capitalists anymore, the owners would rather collude than compete. Today's rich are aspiring techno-feudal royalty, by Divine Right of the Invisible Hand). If immigration is a net positive for "society", if only high society; then no immigration, = money flows into calloused hands. We're all stretched so thin already, getting parity back against capital would spur the greatest economy ever seen. 200million people with extra money after bills?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

It's a fallacy that law enforcement needs 30 secs of someone on the line to trace a call. Any call can be traced, almost immediately. I doubt the largest cell providers even require a warrant . we know for a fact that Amazon hands over video from ring cameras with or without owners permission. I bet if someone were inclined to try, they could probably call up Amazon, say they're a cop and just "here you go, hero". Smh. Regardless, it's not like there are judges that effectively give autographed rubber stamps to the police chiefs, right?

Every death threat that isn't followed up upon is a choice made by LE. They allow this to continue. It could be shut down, right fucking now, if they would just do their fucking jobs and not leverage domestic terrorism because it benefits them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Man I like your optimism, I do. I hope you're right. Actually I hope you never need to be proven right 👍

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