I wonder how extreme the piercings were. What qualifies as extreme to the Germans..
Long syringes into the glutamis maximus? Or syringes piercing labia? Youchie.
Extreme like metal chopsticks thru cheeks?
Extreme like suspending people by hooks into their backs? Cuz that's just a Tuesday for some people.
Or maybe running a sword between the liver and kidneys? It can be done, just thru flesh, missing the internal organs. I'd call that pretty extreme, none of which would make me nauseous tho. Degloving is the only thing that's made my stomach physically feel like it was turning over, and if you don't know what that is, I don't recommend finding out.
That's pretty foul. I have some sympathy for the patrons if that's the case. Nowhere that I read was cannibalism mentioned. I'd argue arresting those involved if that's the truth. Prions are fucking deadly serious and survive outside the body, after a person dies, and until picked up by something else. And they'll hop species too. The literal embodiment of the dark world, just pure evil anti-life. There's a proper analogy in some video game somewhere that I'm not finding at the moment...idk. it's like, imagine every prion is a burnt out crystal on an LCD screen. Once there's enough out there...it's game over.