Withholding aid from Ukraine was the reason for Trump's first impeachment. This time around the GOP Congress will probably just applaud him.
I assume she was advocating against her husband's online behavior?
In even number years "nutiritionists" say egg whites are bad for you. In odd numbered years they say egg whites are good for you and the yolks are the real problem.
Since it's an odd numbered year, they're probably telling people to not eat egg yolks, only the egg whites.
But that's "nutritionists." Actual scientists say having 7 eggs per week (one every morning) is totally fine and won't cause any harm to your heart.
Apparently animal rights activists jump on board with any quackery that fits their agenda.
I'm wondering how an CPC minority government would even work. Especially if a CPC non-confidence vote against the Liberals succeeds and pushes us into a spring election.
On the little graphs they have CPC+NDP and CPC+BQ coalition, but those don't seem likely. Pollievre would be in an extremely tenuous position.
Yup. And we aren't going to be 100% and mistakes will be made. The important this is we just keep putting effort into it the boycott will get stronger and stronger as we learn more about where products are made. And really most of the effort is going to be in the beginning, once you've figured out what your new preferred brands are, it starts getting easier.
A little tip I find useful.... look at the products in your cupboards and take note of which products are US and which are not. It's a lot more chill to do this at home than in the grocery store. Makes grocery shopping go a little faster when you don't have to look at the labels of everything while in the store.
Why do you feel the need to mention the investor is Jewish? I'm all-in on boycotting the US, but I'm not a goddamn anti-semite FFS.
As a Canadian... we didn't know this was an option. But hell yeah, we'd join the EU.
May as well. At least then the cowards can't block Ukraine from joining NATO because they're scared shitless of Putin.
inb4 the uncommitted claim Kamala would've done the same thing.
Yeah it doesn't even make sense. Nitroglycerin was used in mining before dynamite was invented. Usually they'd just have some minority (Chinese most commonly I think) just carry it in. One little bump and boom, that person is dead. So the Invention of dynamite saved a lot of lives.
Also it's not like he invented gunpowder. A story about Mr. Gatling having deep regrets over his invention I could believe. But a guy inventing something that saved a lot of lives in the mining industry? And remember the invention of dynamite was after the US civil war, so warfare was already extremely bloody at that time without any dynamite involved. And how often is dynamite actually used in warfare as opposed to other kinds of explosives?
Seems like different scenarios. The person with the iPhone chose to buy it even though alternatives exist. Of course if the person didn't know when they bought it, not much they can do.
But the guy saying the car should have seatbelts, unless he's Henry Ford, didn't make that decision.
Most of what he's doing requires congressional approval. But what's congress going to do about it? Impeach him? LOL.
Or hey, you could take it to the Supreme Court to see if they'll stop him, LOL.