It's weird how slow things really are. In 2006 you could have rented a VHS from blockbuster and gone home and upload it to YouTube.
"(twenty years ago was 2004, btw)"
I know that but if you were a millennial it would have been 20 years ago.
Is it like a nostalgic novelty place?
Evil Ben Hur Horse Race be like: seems wrong
I can't be the only one who thought of Cloud Atlas?
Depending on your age Mactonight are two completely different things. If your gen-x or millennial Mactonight is the weird fast food mascot you saw at McDonald's 20 years ago. If your a zoomer Mactonight is Moonman, the vaporwave, alt-right rapper who loves to say the n-word and kill minorities.
I remember my dad listening to Moonman songs.
Why would you want a DVD over streaming it?
Surly there were always people who say things like "wow, I can't believe this thing is happening it's like it's 2004" or something.
That's the problem with beauty isn't permanent. It happens to everyone from Madonna, Dick Van Dyke and Lynn Neilson. This doesn't apply to everyone tho. Tom Cruise, Scarlett Johansson and Dewayne "The Rock" Johnson have manage to be exceptions to this rule although it's much easier for men to do. In general women aren't really allowed to age. Even if there looks aren't important. I remember when the election was happening and people were dunking on Kamara Harris for having wrinkles like she isn't a woman in her 60's.
Damm, there really is a site for everything.