I wouldn't say weed helps me but it does make concentrating a lot more easier. Weed calms me down and make things more entertaining. Sometimes I wonder is this what it's like for everyone else?
These movies may as well be made on a conveyor belt.
Lol, my bad
I can't wait for all the shitty horror movies that will be made 🙄
Why was at first. Just hang in there and you'll be killing aliens in the three digits.
Once killed 224 in a game of Halo
How? I literally just agreed with him
Have you ever considered using any other store? Swift shops are really good for clothes.
I've looked online for advice for this problem and nothing has helped me more than this post. Thanks 👍
"I generally buy almost everything online, but clothes are one exception to that"
I've been thinking. Should I open a clothes store? That's the one thing that isn't threatened by the internet. It's not like other things you don't know how something will fit you through a computer screen.
That Dick Tracy hat doesn't