Even 3d printing a 1 layer board would be game changer for hobbyist. Right now 3d print just make what is effectively a protoboard.
Issue is I also hate my partners name
This is disturbing but I guess it's good to know there are no side effects to losing a few contacts in MY EYE
One of fave scenes in Men with Guns is when they say "all you have to make a native think he is white is give him a gun and a uniform"
Spit my drink
One of guys that retired wrote all his code in notepad. He also did debugging by printing all the code on paper. Like wtf there are other options!
sorry vibrating/heating function locked until daily dues are paid.
Oh sorry, it's a joke about how some people love to make themselves special and will shove it on your face even if everyone is literally the same.
If from a children show. Fairly odd parents.
In this case it's diets. But it applies to everything. Can't believe I'm same species as these people but I am for now.....
Subscription lock
Bruh she was keeping him in check!
Seems like all they need to do is have people go check off each one or check for fraud? Isn't there a dept for that?
Well can she evolve further?