Anyone know who 1 and 2 are ?
And the fumes being vented inside that room.
It's a risk to have a child at any age but the risk does raise as you get older scare tactics says it doubles and such after 40 but that doubling is like a 0.5% chance changing to a 1% chance. Adam ruins everything did a piece on this that explains it pretty well.
Do they really need to thou there's not many places they could film that still look like there from that time period without a ton of cgi anyway.
Planet of the Apes Rise of the Planet of the Monkeys
Alexis Crystal in any of her spermania videos.
Needs more eyeballs and to tell me not to be afraid.
I dunno that looks like a crossbow bolt to me. Short and only two feather fins.
I'm an electrician and although there's a risk I may get an electric shock at work my training did not include being electrocuted because that's just stupid. This hazing is pretty much the same.
They will probably add a check box for them like you can with nsfw games.
Sir are you saying mass debating or masturbating, and why is your hand down your pants.
Why do PCs need this AI functionality, if businesses just use it for word processing and scheduling, or people that just want to play games why should it be forced on everyone.