This would make a lot more sense if it showed how long each of those governments were in power compared to minority governments.
Where do you think they get the water to make those melting ice cubes
I scrolled a bit too fast and the top half of the cat went off screen then I thought it was melting icecream dripping down the side of the couch 😂
Oops got stuck in another lather, rinse, repeat loop
Ie read that the cables don't reach and you end up having to take up 2 spots normally. Not sure if it's because you have to park one slot over or if you have two park half way between spots though.
Hmm haven't seen that yet personally but I'm sure YouTube is always trying things to get around adblockers and probably A/B testing it on various accounts or countries. You could try making sure unlocks rules/definitions are up to date.
Unrelated but I also have been using sponsor block which skips over in-video sponsors which is nice. Though it's community updated so very new videos might not have the sponsor segments marked yet.
FTL. At least until you've beaten the game several times
Me too, and I remember in the mid 2000's before flat screens took off the biggest CRT you could get was 36", or there may have been a 40" but it was ultra expensive. One thing though is that the wider aspect ratio of modern tvs inflates the size number if you were to watch 3:4 aspect shows on a modern tv you are losing a bunch of viewing area on the sides.
Regardless, modern tvs are indeed insanely huge, and I'm loving it.
Cool though still a bit confusing, like what's a "Device file"? Also so many of those are so similar in use like /usr and /sbin. Why would one be used over another?
This was a few years ago but I was able to google something like "vacuum repair" to find this place where we got ours. They had lots of used repaired ones but we had to hunt around the shop a bit til we found the one we liked
We went to a little shop that repairs vacuums and such and found an old Electrolux cannister vacuum from the 70s or 80s for relatively cheap. Apparently they are quite popular with people who clean houses professionally as they last a long time and are repairable. It's a bit of a pain to drag around the cannister but really not too bad over all and works very well.
the newer chemistries like lithium iron phosphate are much more stable and not prone to thermal runway apparently. They are not as energy dense as lithium ion but that doesn't matter so much for a non-mobile application.