There’s another remake called Predecessor. It’s ok but it still has a way to go. It’s more similar to later Paragon (especially the map) but without the shitty card system. It’ll be free to play eventually with the option to grind to unlock characters or pay for immediate unlocks.
I don’t think anyone has recommended to give the frets and neck some love. Cheap Squiers can have fret sprout, less than level frets, and gloss necks (this is more preference but roughing down to satin with a dish scrub pad or very fine sandpaper feels great to me). I would definitely recommend doing these and making sure your truss rod is properly adjusted so it becomes a guitar you actually want to play rather than a guitar with great electronics that plays terribly.
I used to be a destiny addict as well. I quit almost 10 months ago now and I’m happier for it. Games that aren’t live service feel more fun to me. I’ve been playing a bunch of different games now after just playing the one for so long. (Satisfactory, Gunfire Reborn, Deep Rock Galactic, Risk of Rain 2, and Fortnite no build or overwatch when I want to shoot real digital people )